Cupcake by Danny

“Come with me, CUPCAKE!” One of my favorite lines from J.J. Abrams reboot of the Star Trek Franchise. It’s a line that seems both appropriate and timeless in our current age. Case in point, I’m watching the latest episode of Dr. Who, and Bill is shocked to hear the Doctor’s response to her question about freewill, “You had freewill, and look at what you did with it. Worse than that, you had history. History was saying to you, ‘look, I have some examples of fascism for you to look at.’ No. ‘Fundamentalism?’ No.” Quite a mess our current state, CUPCAKE!

Camera by Danny

The Camera was pointed in my face, I froze. The bullshit out of my mouth failed to flow. The people looked at me like the freak that I am. All I can say is I tried, and I don’t think I’m a bad person for trying. I think I will be painted out to be a horrible person. Amazing the way people can construe words. People have to much power with words, not even knowing the meaning or the damage they can do with them. So I’ll try to smile as you flash that Camera of judgement in my face.

Blame by Danny

I understand in the wake of the “Citizen’s United” decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that not only has corruption been legalized, but it is almost impossible now to follow the money trail of the entities contributing to campaign finance. Corporate America has become the Wizard of Oz, don’t look behind the curtain, there is nothing to see here. Pretend to hold us accountable if you want, but we will point the fingers of blame, thank-you. After all, you have no idea the billions it costs to run a blame campaign, and we billionaires intend to keep it that way.

Danny – Pork

You bet your ass war is fun, especially when your foe is suddenly vanquished by choking on a piece of pork when said foe was not even eating any food to begin with! The story comes from a contrived notion invented in the bible of all places, Wait, the spice of Lifeless? What the hell happened to the NESS! Dammit! Brilliant! You only have less than forty words until the end of this story.” “Oh go choke on a piece of pork, which he promptly did, except, his death was ruled as an accidental parsley choking.” Blah, Blah, Blah, sleep.


“Don’t you think your setting the bar quite low?” I stated.

“What are you talking about,” Doug responded, quite peturbed, “there is nothing wrong with this bar the way I’ve set it!”

“Alright! Let me try it out!”

So I sat down, the bar was still too low, so I laid down on the floor instead.

The bar was literally one foot off the floor, and the tiny drinks Doug was serving off of the bar was even more ridiculous.

I relented, “O.K., Doug, what’s the punchline to this joke?”

Doug responds, “No Punchline, I wanted to set a low bar.”