Timing Is Everything

The new iPhone will be available next week, but the one I have now is falling apart.
The home button takes a few pushes to work. And the lock button on the top doesn’t work at all. Either I plug the phone in to wake it up, or turn off Auto-Lock and leave the screen on constantly.
I bought the extended warranty, but it ran out a week ago.
Right before all these problems came up.
My friends say that Apple products are brilliantly engineered.
I’d agree, if the old one failed just as I was buying the new one.

One thought on “Timing Is Everything”

  1. I’m looking forward to your reliving the broken arm over the next few months’ stories. :)

    There’s an interesting sensation of being in a time warp on occasion, with your writing running so far ahead of posting the stories. Every once in a while, such as stories about the broken arm, or tales of cannibalism on a desert island, I recall you describing the actual incident, then read the story a year (two years?) or so later. Hmm, maybe the cannibalism was someone else, but you get the idea.

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