The Church

I know a guy who’s in a church that protests military funerals.
They say that our soldiers die because of gays, abortions, and other things their church says that God and Jesus don’t like.
However, this guy is really lazy, so instead of actually going to Arlington Cemetery, he looks it up on his computer.
Then, he searches the map for the gravesite, loads the picture, and protests.
Right from his own living room.
He’s been trying to convince the other members of the church that this can save a lot of time and gas money.
I hope he succeeds.

One thought on “The Church”

  1. I thought of two things after hearing the news of Robin Williams death. The first was his appearance on Louie, where he and Louis CK attended a funeral and then a strip club together. The second was his haunting performance in the Fisher King. His character was manic, crazy, hilarious, yet incredibly sad and lonely. Of all his performances that one stands out as the most true, because you see shades of that side of him in other things, the creeping self doubt, the depression, the sadness.

    Considering how it all ended, I think the Red Knight finally caught up to him. He was tired of running, tired of fighting. It’s very sad.

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