The Radio Show


Andrew Ian Dodge looks in his crystal ball and tries to read the swirling tealeaves within…

It is January 17th 2007 at 10pm in the east. A long-haired rocker awaits his cue calmly; while a certain Jewish Texan quips methodically and amuslingly in a studio in Houston. The co-host twitches like a cat in heat in anticipation of launching into his latest rant against Iran. The pair are counted in…5,4,3,2.1…
“It’s the Dodge & Simon Hour from Houston, Texas and the centre of London.”
Andrew and Laurence launch right into the chat they were having off radio; now with a large radio audience.
“So the attack on Iran is imminent?”
“Imminent takes too long…” retorts Simon.

The correct time to remove any warmongering dictator bent on genocide is yesterday.