

Andrew Ian Dodge fills us in with that’s going on in… The Order…

Suddenly, the acolyte’s head filled with an otherworldly voice that croaked rather than spoke. It was coming from inside his head, not from without.
“You are to prevent the birth of Lucius Wigginbottom. It must not happen in England. He must not be allowed to be born within the confines of this island. He has already been conceived due to the incompetence of other acolytes. You must not fail me. If you succeed, you will be elevated to the next level of the Order. If you should fail, your soul will be forever damned.
“You’re to use your office!”

Abdul Part 3


Andrew Ian Dodge continues the creepy tale of Abdul…

Abdul smiled broadly as the doctor swabbed his arm; attempting to find a vein for the injection. Did not even bother him that no one showed up; he had plenty of company in his head. Odd music played in his head as the procedure continued; the cacophony of large scale chanting. He felt the poison in his veins. In Abdul’s case the light was greenish in colour and emanating from something deep below the sea. He floated towards the light; unearthly sounds filled the water around him. He carried on towards his “reward;” one that he would enjoy for eternity.



Andrew Ian Dodge tells the tale of another level entirely to Europe’s big song contest…

In a fishing village off the coast of Turkey they sat stunned seeing what was going on before them. They feared the repercussions for their master as they sat in the Dagon Ministry Hall watching the large TV. “Their” a-tonal entry was wallowing near the bottom of the rankings for the contest. Anastasyia Siren was secretly a member of their cult set to tour Europe to spread the word of Dagon. Europe was voting in their droves for mock horror and heavy metal! A no-message rock party anthem, Lordi! He would no be pleased…they collectively shuddered at the result.

Abdul Part 2


Andrew Ian Dodge checks on how Abdul is doing

Abdul sat in his cell on death-row peering at some far distant place no one else could see. He was offered a religious text of his choosing; but refused telling his jailers that “God speaks directly to me, so I do not need to read anyone else’s interpretation of his words.” His head filled with visions of a place he looked forward to going to; with meliflous unworldly music filling the vision. Feeding time barely brought him out of his trance and he repeatedly told anyone; he looked forward to the next step. Fellow prisoners complained of odd noise every night…



More deranged tales from the strange book discovered recently by famed occultist Andrew Ian Dodge:

Abdul Alzared felt time slow to a crawl as he loaded the second clip into his machine-pistol. He had practiced repeatedly to make sure he could do it smoothly in a few seconds; before his targets had time to get behind cover. He gently squeezed the trigger as he waved his gun back & forth in front of him. He did not hide because his god would protect him as he mowed down the unbelievers. He yelled ‘Ia Ia Cthulhu!’ between bursts… Witnesses who survived the attack swore they heard him yelling ‘Allah Akhbar’ as his bloody attack went down.



Andrew Ian Dodge gets into the reptilian mind of…

Grraauug lay in the water by the canal resting in the mid-day Sun; trying not to sleep. His sleep was bothered by strange noises and visions; it had been for days. He kept feeling odd urges to eat things he never had before. His normal fear of humans was replaced by a desire to eat them. The strange noises proceeded the feeling; he tried to resist. He knew, that humans would come for him if he killed one. The noises began again in his brain; he saw a human across the canal near by. He felt himself moving towards it…hunting…



Andrew Ian Dodge continues the creepy narrative from London with…

Mustafa stood at the edge of the Thames right next to the Dome, awaiting his fate. The building next to him was going to be a triumph for his master but never managed it. Mustafa arranged for 13 struts, until some Christians objected. He arranged to have Christian fundies take the place over to create the “right” cacophony; then secularists got upset. He arranged for it to be taken over by a casino interest and his master objected. It was meant to be a tribute and gate for Great Cthulhu; instead it was where Mustafa would be consumed. Religion eh?



Andrew Ian Dodge continues to chronicle the goings-on with… The Sage!

As the Sage flicked through a tome that he had just received in the post he pondered whether or not it was genuine or a “clever fake”.
He read the text, in the language in which it appeared; trying not to read aloud or even think in coherent passages.
If his eyes were drawn to something for too long he would flick his eyes to a few pages hence. Various cursed tomes had taken many a naïve student in such ways; to dire ends naturally.
A dealer in London declared the book to be genuine; the Sage had his doubts.



Odd tales abound in the mind of Andrew Ian Dodge as he continues to parlay with the Sage…

“With all the evil about you would think the Catholic and Protestant churches would have better things to do than rail against a novel. What with the earth shaking in the pacific, apocalyptic Mormon prophets on the loose, stones with Jesus’ face and all other nastiness you would think they would have their hands full. But then again Christians always tend to pick on the easy targets ignoring the real evil out there.” And with that the Sage sighed as hit the send button on his email.
“Those fools are the ones that call me satanic… ” He thought to himself.

The Songs


Andrew Ian Dodge turns the creepy dial another notch with his latest reading from his arcane tome of horror…

The Sage hit a key to open his webcam eye.
Good evening all. I am glad you enjoyed last week’s poser. Leo is telling me you like my research questions. He paused.
This week I want you to try to explain why religious types are so paranoid about the Devil’s Interval yet all we read about – evil – music from Lovecraft’s writings and classical authors is that they sing beautifully to lure unsuspecting mortals to their doom.
I bet the Sirens of Greek myth sound more like Celine Dion or Barbra Streisand than Arch Enemy, Slunt or Die So Fluid. Discuss.