

Okay, so I was wasted out of my mind on Monday and recorded an interesting introduction to Kim’s piece to say the least.
Kim Benson and Andrew Ian Dodge get a little literary revenge…

It took place in a Balinese temple on a golden beach. Andrew and Kim had flown together with just two of their closest friends as witnesses. Andrew was dressed in a traditional Balinese outfit of red, white and gold as he awaited his bride to be. Kim with her hair laden with fresh tropical flowers was wearing a red and gold sari which was easily unravelled for later delights. Incense wafted over the temple as the flame of togetherness was swirled around both their heads and marriage vowels were spoken. STOP. How your mind wanders on 6 glasses of champagne.

Okay, no more drunk bookend recording. Sober recording only from now on.
(I only had two pints Downtown before heading to the radio show. Honest!)



Hey, it’s another guest story from Kim in The Empire Formerly Known As British!

Is it possible to win £100,000 on Magic Radio’s Mystery voices competition without spending most of it trying to get through? You can only call when they advise you to and all calls are charged a flat rate of 25p whether you get through or not – most don’t. The jackpot currently stands at £96,700 (still rising at every wrong answer) which means that 967 have got the voices wrong! Gloria Estefan and Kurt Russell are dead certs but who is the third mystery voice? Could it be that Magic Radio themselves are the real winners where this competition is concerned?

Thanks, Kim, and it’s great to hear all sorts of different voices and styles coming together.
We all have something in common, and there’s lots of room in the 100 Word Story playpen.

New Year Resolution


Okay, so Andrew Ian Dodge said something about someone named Kim, she’s gotten addicted to this whole 100 word stories thing, and she even recorded one of her own.
I’d just like to say that I haven’tbeen invited to the wedding yet, but when I am, I give you two all of my blessings. And if you two haven’t actually planned on getting hitched just yet, well, my deepest apologies.
I have an excuse because, as I said in the previous podcast from Ian I posted, I’m rather hammered. It’s a rare thing, because I have such a huge and powerful brain, and it takes a lot of Guinness to lay me out like a smoked salmon at a Bar Mitzvah buffet table.
So here we go… Kim (Mrs. Future Dodge Ian Andrew) with her own story for the new year.

My New Year Resolution was ‘not to get Angry’. First day back at work the underground was on strike so I just shrugged and went to the bus stop. Being British, I got in line and waited for the bus to arrive. One, two, three buses later I still had not moved very far up the queue. However, I stayed calm and waited my turn. Another 20 buses came and went full up, the queue became disgruntled – it was each man for himself. Red faced I pushed, kicked and pulled myself on the bus. The prozac had worn off.

I think I need lots of vitamin C about now. Linus Pauling may be dead, but that doesn’t mean I want to join him in a grave anytime soon.