

The final of three tales from fellow HWRNMNBSOL disciple Alan P. Scott.

We file into the sanctuary, folding into our pews. The Christ above His altar beams through His blessed agony. Oddly fixed in shape, just four tentacles and one sense-bud, eyes embedded in its hard shell. Yet He is Lord, and before Him we had none. So we sing His praises as we are able.
His spirit fills me as never before. I shove past limbs retracting and extending, stumbling to the altar. I kneel before His cross and swear: I dedicate myself to His service.
Tomorrow I have the operation. Four tentacles, and one sense-bud. Remade, in His Image. Amen.

In a perfect world, this would entice HWRNMNBSOL out of his lair, but apparently he requires a blood-sacrifice.
Time to hit the pet store.



Alan P. Scott offers up a second 100 word story for your enlightenment.

Reshmi – flowering, sixteen – sells code from her loom. “Programs Woven Here,” reversing Jacquard since age thirteen. Geeks buzz around her.
Madhukar offers his tattered web browser.
“It needs patched.”
Reshmi dimples.
“More a whole garment, think I. But no worries. It will be perfect.”
Madhukar plunges.
“Would you dance with me at festival tomorrow?”
He is her first.
But she doesn’t. Her stall empty, ransacked. Madhukar receives email with one large attachment: rewoven, as promised.
Madhukar clicks ever deeper into the deepest web. Madhukar can go anywhere. It’s perfect – and he realizes who Reshmi angered.

Feng Shui


I did a search for 100 word stories out on the net and found Alan P. Scott, a fellow fan of HWRNMNBSOL. Here’s the first of three stories he’s generously contributed to the podcast for your enjoyment…

My cubicle has the best feng shui in the office. Everybody says so. The monitor is angled just right to repel demons, and little strips of black tape tell me where my pens and pencils go for optimum efficiency.
The only problem is, it’s not working. I have been passed up for promotion *three times*, each time beaten by a cheerful slob with a messy desk. It’s not fair.
Master Yap is willing to provide one more consultation. I know now what I must do.
No more desk. No more chair. I sit on the mat and wait for promotion.