How do you write 100 word stories? #100


Many many thanks to all the folk who have listened to this collect. With your help we can end vestiphoia in our life time

This ends my 100 100s and I’ve save the best for last. Stories are dust unless they have a shelf to rest, a place to be. To be surround with a mountain of stories. With out Mr Laurence Simon these tiny bubbles would have long ago lost there rainbow and faded to gray and burst. Take your tales and find them a home. It is not good enough to put the words on the page they have to be seen or in the case of they were allowed to be heard. I thank you Laurence and I will be brief

How do you write 100 word stories? #99

Many folk with hidden agendas have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

Since I have been writing stories in 100 word chucks I find I have been able to reduce all my analytic reporting to that size. Be it troop assessments in Afghanistan or Chilean Copper labor trends everything is 100 words long. Some of these pieces have escaped into the wild and ended up on the desk of the director of the Heritage Foundation. So here I am working for a think tank no make that two think tanks I’m on loan to the Hoover now. If this works out with these guys I might head over to the White House.

How do you write 100 word stories? #98

Many folk songs sing out how do you Tom write a 100 word story

I find deadlines as a useful tool to keep me pumping out this dribble. I just take the form to a higher level of absurdity. I tie a fishing line to a Smith and Weston one chambered loaded, spin and start writing. A sword is suspect from the ceiling over my head if the 45 miss fires. A last line prevents the Africa Kill bee from getting out of a box under the desk. Sadly multiple deadlines have limited effect on zombies. Can you please pass that plate of brains, watch out for the trip line under the … sorry.

How do you write 100 word stories? #97

Many folk with Elvis hairdos have asked do you want to be my good luck charm o o o o

But then asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story thank you very much.

We here at the weekly challenge embrace the democratic process. You will note you the voting public chose whomever they feel has risen to the heights of brevity in quality and vote for them on the pole at the site. Sometime they place into the hands of reality challenge authors the opportunity to choose a topic so obscure and archaic it leave we contenders blankly staring at the screen. The writer warrior’s friend in time as those is the flaming silver spear of reference the internet. Take Vestiphoia, actually take it far away and bury it in an unmarked grave.

How do you write 100 word stories? #96

Many folk with a pink carnation and a pickup truck have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

I pose the following question. Is it easer to write a serious 100 word story or a funny 100 word story? Times Up! The answer, its infinity easer to be funny. Be brashly irreverent. Invite in the gods of inappropriate behavior. Be childish, juvenile, and all out silly. Let no Sacred Cows escape barbeque. Truth be told take any serious work bend it just 2 degrees, you got giggles. If we are pushed to cry, laughter isn’t far behind. Life is one big joke; it’s just a matter of where you stand in front of punch line of behind it.

How do you write 100 word stories? #95

Many folk with slide rulers have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

The curse of the writing personality is it collects stuff. What it collect the most are observed insights. We tend to be avid listeners attuned to perceiving good tales. It’s a skill that grows sharper with age. As life presents content, age presents context. My advice to any young writer is get old as quickly as you possible can. If you don’t have the luxury of actually being old yourself, sound old. Try on a William Burroughs gravely cadence. Hang out with people in Oncology wards. Not only will you witness age, you can witness the black specter of resignation.

How do you write 100 word stories? #94

Many folk with relatives in the old country have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

You may find this hard to believe but a poll of 1000 unpublished authors’ food of choice #1 was ketchup soup. In a close second was bananas. Seems bananas meet the needed of a writer on the go. No time or energy wasted on cooking. Bananas are a wash in potassium, the critical mineral the body needs to produce irony. Bananas also are rich in Vitamin Q. 22 bananas a day meets the daily min requirement of Vitamin Q. When I’m on my daily constitutional with my typewriter in hand, I like to carry 8 to 10 in my pocket.

How do you write 100 word stories? #93

Many folk with an army of zombies have demanded how do you Tom write a 100 word story

In the last instatement I touched on how Google works great as a contextual word finder. Today I wish to wander over to Wikipedia work on some wily word wonks. Wikipedia is the superhighway of trivia. It has an amazing array of Pop references. Here’s an example. I’m writing a story about James Bond. I choose Stardust as my music bed. I randomly wiki Hoagy Carmichael. At the bottom of the page is a reference to Ian Fleming stating he saw Bond as Carmichael with a scar. This isn’t Hoagy Have and Have Not, this is Hoagy license to kill

How do you write 100 word stories? #92

Many folk with a hole in their bucket their bucket their bucket have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story.

I’d like to believe a forceps deliver by a marine doctor is the reason my brain works the way it does. The most troublesome of my many mental shortcomings is a severely limited spelling capacity. If anyone chimes in with a comment about phonetics I’m going to personally send them to met god. The first computer program I ever purchased was a spellchecker. It ran in consort with Apple Writer, at a time when no wordprocessor had an internal checker. Over the years Ms Word has been my constant companion, but of late Google has become my checker of choice.

How do you write 100 word stories? #91

Many folk with serious grills have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

How can a mild manner man from Houston afford to cloth, fed, and shelter a banjo playing midget in a word prolithic. That like guy has written harlequin romances, sermon for Pat Robertson, and manuals for maintaining network edge routers. He can and does it all. He asks so little in return and this is how LS is able to keep him around despite the complaint of neighboring sheep ranchers. I have from time to time hired the midget to write a story. I begged him to let me give him credit, but he just shakes his zipped mask, no.