How To Write 100 Word Stories #8

Many folk are using basketball PA systems to ask how do you tom write a 100 word story

When I was but a boy my pa took me out in the desert one winter. He asked me if cactus have sharp pointy things? I didn’t like the way this stories way going. I got the feeling there was some deeper moral hiding in an act of stupidity that led to pain. When he started taking his clothes off, I decided it was time to go home. “Where you going son, I’ve got a teachable moment going on here.” No GOOD.

How To Write 100 Word Stories #7

Many folk have used ESP to ask how do you tom write a 100 word story

It’s not the words you have to watch out for, it those devilish punctuation. Oh they may look harmless, but they brood, fester and lie in wait to ensnare the unwary. Let me underscore this, “Commas are the Devil’s Work. “Where the hell do you put them in a quotation,” he said? Dashes dashes not good not good. The periods, there are so many of them … too many of them. Its not safe, slash them all, what’s that: Oh no a SEMICOLON iiiiiiiiiiii

How To Write 100 Word Stories #5

Many folk have sent up smoke signals which ask how do you tom write a 100 word story

I find I get my best ideas for stories while bathing in the tub. I fill the old claw foot with about 45 packages of Jell-O six bags of dry ice and I’m pretty must ready to go. Did I mention the defibrillator? Yep must have that ready when you lose conscience. I double wrap them in glad bags. Wouldn’t want to lose the moment with a nasty electrocution burn. Nice people in the tunnel of light have the loveliest story ideas.

How To Write 100 Word Stories #4

Many folk have dialed 911 and ask how do you tom write a 100 word story

Oh I find its easiest to just writing down any old word on a chuck of cedar and chuck it into the old Franklin stove. Just before it gets white hot I reach in grab a fistful of coals and toss them on to the couch. You may find this hard to believe but nine times out ten the coals need little or no editing. Every once and a while you got to throw some water on one or two, but that about it.

How To Write 100 Word Stories #3

A poem in iambic pentameter in the style of Vigil well before he got catch at the bath house doing the backstroke with the Emperor’s wife Laybeeus Maximus (my wasn’t that a messy bit of business I’llll tell you) transported by a herd of semi wild Arizonian camels following the same route used by the Donner party and by a odd coincidence the same month with the same level of snow fall same morbidity rate (now isn’t that rather odd I’lllll say) What was the question?

How To Write 100 Word Stories #2

Many folk have telegrammed me and ask how do you tom write a 100 words story

Well ya take your old trusty Number 6 Whitworth spanner and gently wedge it between the governor and the Simons exhaust manifold. Give it 2.6 radials turns stop when the molten lava reach the second canary’s cage or until the Paschal candle burns down to the second red wax nail. Under no circumstances lets the level in the birdbath drop to expose the top fusion rod while the spanner is in the dorsal position. Set the timer to 10 and run like hell.

How To Write 100 Word Stories #1

This is a new series by Weekly Challenge Veteran and Golden Monkey Whisperer Tom where he shares his secrets in 100 word storywriting.

(Yes, there will be a quiz later.)

Many folk have emailed me and ask how do you tom write a 100 words story.

Well I start with two pieces of wonder beard (crusts trimmed) On one piece I spread an ample layer of mayonnaise to which I sprinkle a fair amount of bacon bits. On the other slice I lather on crunchy style peanut butter as a bed for crumbled ruffled potato chips. I slap it together pierce the top with five toothpicks in the form of an American star an olive atop each. Put it out on the deck for the cat and take a nap.