Redgoddess – Grace

This story wasn’t posted until today because RedGoddess sent it in late for the previous Weekly Challenge.

Also, she didn’t send in a recording.

So, it sat in the back burner until I got around to do the next Weekly Challenge.

Relationships in the hotel business are transient. Often guests request the same room number for a special occasion. They expect to see the same faces: a happy doorman, cordial valet, the fat chef and even for Lola to be there no matter what time they are checking in. In spite of its temporary nature, some guests have made lasting connections during the hotel’s cocktail hour and annual gala. Lola has also witnessed many nasty break ups right in the lobby. Some have even picked up their belongings in trash bags from their bitter ex. Lola is empathetic and non-judgmental during these tense times. There are moments in our lives where silence is more consolable than words. Lola simply listens and offers a shoulder to cry on. They still have their grace after wiping the tears away.