Blame by Danny

I understand in the wake of the “Citizen’s United” decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that not only has corruption been legalized, but it is almost impossible now to follow the money trail of the entities contributing to campaign finance. Corporate America has become the Wizard of Oz, don’t look behind the curtain, there is nothing to see here. Pretend to hold us accountable if you want, but we will point the fingers of blame, thank-you. After all, you have no idea the billions it costs to run a blame campaign, and we billionaires intend to keep it that way.

One thought on “Blame by Danny”

  1. Somehow, a couple of idiots – who probably also think Brown v Board of Education arose because some darkie wanted to go to school with white folks – were able to post comments to this on Google+. For me it said “comments disabled,” which is why I’m saying it here.

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