Monster by Tom

(Just got Tom’s WX #421 file. 1.96 meg up, 1.95 meg down in the hotel. I’ve had worse.)

I’ve been a Scot Sigler fan for some time. When I was a Podcast whore I
got a chance to interview him. We drank some beers at Baycon. In those
heady days of 2005 I coined the term Sci-Gor to describe his brand of
fiction. I was gratified one of my suggestion made it into his football
series. He was so hot to get a book deal that would get his work out on
the front table. Just before Border’s tubed it his book got shelved
between Stoker and Shelly. His monster right between Frankenstein and
Dracula, pretty good company.


Ben wanted to build a monster, but being as he was only nine and half
funding was a serious problem. Profits from yard work and the lemonade
stand came to $57.35 He took the cross-town bus into the city. At the
office of Stein, Stein, and Leberwitz he was directed to a perky
para-legal who took his fifty seven dollar and thirty five cents and Ben
left the proud chairman of non-profit corporation. Who would guessed Golem
Inc. would become the 2080 monster of Wall Street. He got his way will the
high court too, constitution rights for animated clay.


Alma Sue love driving in Billy’s monster truck. Despite the size and power
of the thing Alma Sue always thought Billy maintained the driving
temperament of an 80 year old grandmother. It wasn’t apparent as the front
wheel turn subcompacts into sardine cans, or sent up a column of Georgian
clay, or when Billy took the Black Beauty airborne. It was the way he ran
through the gears. After 10 years the Black Beauty was still running the
same gear box. If Alma Sue got her hands on the monster it would have been
in the shop in a week.


Captain a worm hole has opened up directly in our path and it is drawing
us in Lord Vader a worm hole has opened up directly in our path and it is
drawing us in. Both ships directed full power to their bows. They just
might have reached escape velocity, but for the arrival of the White Star
Flagship. All three ships disappear within the hole as it collapsed. A
monstrous glow above Deman shifted the visible spectrum to hard hulkish
green. Everyone looked as if they had just escape from the black lagoon.
“GGGRRRR ARRG!” gurgled Sparky Jones.

One thought on “Monster by Tom”

  1. Apropos of nothing, I’m another Scott Sigler fan, and recently finished Pandemic. Can’t say I ever had a beer with him, though.

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