Adolf Chavez


It’s a hard-hitting rant in 100 words by Andrew Ian Dodge for your enlightenment and concern today…

In the country called Venezuela they have a leader who continues to echo one from the past.
This leader came from Austria and led a greater Germany; his evil is legendary. His politics were socialist in a nationalist way, and he believed Jews were the greatest enemy to all mankind.
Despite his crimes, there are leaders who ape his policies.
Mr Chavez is one such man. He likes to think he is the new Che; but in fact he is closer to the new Fuhrer.
First Venezuela, now Bolivia and where to next?
Oh never-mind nothing to worry about right?

Technically, he calls them the “Christ-killers” in his speech.
I didn’t realize the Romans controlled the world these days. Did you?
Anyway, now that Andrew’s going to be a regular feature here, I’ve added a section there on the right margin to list his many projects and sites. Just scroll down a bit past the wiggly Cthulhu icon thing.