How do you write 100 word stories? #90

Many folk tales with sad endings beg the question how do you Tom write a 100 word story

Timmy had writer’s block. He thought he had said it all, possible twice. In a lazy random glance out the window he saw five saffron robed men walk down Mulberry St. “What the frack?” said Timmy and ran out the door to catch up with them. “Where are you going? (To you Latin scholars Quo Vadis) “Jimmy’s house he’s dead.” “Bummer.” “Not really we are going to read the Book of Dead at his house for 4 days to help him on his way.” Timmy sat and listened for 4 day. When he got home his writer’s block for gone.

How do you write 100 word stories? #89

Many folk dancers with brightly colored costume have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

If you haven’t read John Irving, do. In fact read both side of his writing. His early works were heralded as great works of fiction, but they didn’t sell. So he sat down and came up with a list of 10 elements that would peek the interest of the general public. He sold a lot of books, but the critics paned him. So what did he use to light up his prose? Body odors, Incest, and dead parents. No one every lost a nickel betting against America’s capacity for sucking down titillation. Famous in life famous in death your choice

How do you write 100 word stories? #86

Many folk with beer steins in their hands have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

After opposable thumbs binocular vision is our keenest evolutionary attribute. Its collective use over time has given us a collective sense of pattern recognition. The downside to this is we tend to stuff reality into a pattern and after repeated viewings we fail to see errors in the pattern. In writing we counter this will the aid of a second set of eyeballs. We find an editor. Your editor can me a spouse (bad idea) it can be a friend (worst idea) or a paid professional with years of experience (smart idea) Editors make you look smarter pay them well.

How do you write 100 word stories? #85

Many folk with what big eyes you have grandma have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

The day comes in every young writers life when they are final published. In most cases it is at some vanity press and you give out hardback for Christmas gifts for the next 2O years. Upon the back of that hard covered work of wonder is your authorly portrait. That image must demand respect, so never smile. That image must be enigmatic, so never smile. The image must show you don’t give a damn about money, public or critical acclaim, so never smile. Hands may grab the face, but not too tightly. $100 hair cuts good idea. $1000 suites. Better

How do you write 100 word stories? #84

Many folk with E tickets to Disneyland have asked how do you tom write a 100 word story on the happy place on earth.

It’s a job. You do it every single day. You do it when you don’t want to. You do it when you’re sick. You do it in all the time slivers that occur during a day. It’s work. You are a worker. No one goes on vacation to write. Anyone tells you writing is fun take this number two pencil and send them to god. You may smile at what you wrote, you may even laugh, but in no sense was the arrival at the combination of word no less arduous then haul a pile of bricks up a hill.

How do you write 100 word stories? #83

Many folk with milk mustaches have asked how do you tom write a 100 word story

So you got the story written and you are looking for an honest assessment of its merit. If you’re looking for a willing soul to help you, think again bucko. Folk will run faster from that then a hill of fire ants. You will need to employ one of the three rules of captive audience participation: tubs, fires, or cars. The first works best on spouses when you sit with your back against the door. Editors love a good fire though restraints speed up the process. Driving at high speeds with your feet, galvanizes the attention of any potential reviewer.

How do you write 100 word stories? #82

Many folk with receding hairlines (damn I hate when that happens) have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

Anyone acquainted with this here X see lent web site knowns that that Caleb guy is the real talent in the room. Oh he’s been quiet for sometime, but he’s a damn good resource when the well runs dry and there’s nothing to prime the pump. I been reggarlee emailn old Caleb for story ideas. He dun suggested a Cthulhu Children’s Christmas story, and a musical about this guy name Ham Let. What the heck is sandy script? He told be about this other guy name Till Eulenspiegel, real trickster there. If you find yourself in a bind email Caleb

How do you write 100 word stories? #81

Many folk with the best possible intentions have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story

Over the last 80 installments we’ve poked our collective head into many of the dark corners of the writing underbelly. But a truly happy underbelly is one resting in a truly comfortable chair. You may scoff, but as surely as clothes make the man, chairs make the author. So what are the major points of chairness? One high high backs at least 2in. above your head when seated. Two padded arm rests that curve to meet the seat. It’s got to have casters and a central column that swivels. The seat should be pleated. Fabric should be a brown velour.

How do you write 100 word stories? #80

Many folk with total recall have asked how do you Tom write a 100 Word story

I write from a dark place, not mentally, in a closet. When all the lights are out it’s easy to have images swirl before your eyes. Generally family members are least likely to bother you if you are sitting on the floor in a closet. Sometimes this will backfire when calls to a locale institution have dispatched two lovely young men in white suites with four point restraints. But if you have good locks and a strong door you can get a fair amount of writing done before the crowbar separates the door casing. Keep the candle away from clothes

How do you write 100 word stories? #79

Many folk with 40 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to sell have asked how do you Tom write a 100 word story.

Some say read the classics. Immerse yourself in the great works of literature. Some say study the histories of the great cultures of the world. Some say embrace the Sufi masters and let the air ring out in the poetry of pure love. Few will say read cereal boxes. It is the road less traveled. To gain wisdom from ingredient lists is a task worthy of a dervish. Boxes with cartoon characters yield the deeper insights. Make Snap Crackle and Pop your personal mantra. Let the adventures of Quisp and Quake be your guides to the realms of the esoteric