The Successful Rodent


It happened that there were two mouse-brothers.
Life was hard for these mice. Vicious cats roamed the neighborhood; other animals constantly made life difficult.
There was the duck, all harsh voice and shrill temper.
There were the dogs. One, though he could speak the language of people, was so dimwitted as to be a danger to himself and others. The other was, after all, a dog, and what dog does not enjoy sport with helpless mice?
It all changed when brother Mickey, after lengthy study, procured a Steamboat Operator’s License.
Moral: Wish upon a star, my ass. Study to succeed!



My people, they are a stiff-necked people.
Been that way for thousands of years. Back in the Sinai days, Moses had it all figured out. You think he climbed up Mount Nebo to die, giving up on his dream to enter the Promised Land just because God told him to?
Think again.
He simply couldn’t stand any more of the constant bitching, whining, and nagging.
“It was better back in Egypt.” “This manna sucks! I want meat!” “I’m thirsty!” “We’re all gonna die!
So Moses said, “Enough, already!”
Can’t say I blame him. Other people may complain, but Jews harp.

Where there’s smoke, there’s Walter


The old saying goes “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”
Around here, it goes “Where there’s smoke, there’s Walter.”
Walter smokes. Walter smokes a lot.
I can’t remember any time when I’ve seen Walter not smoking.
Once, I saw Walter asleep at a bar, and his hand reached into his mouth, pulled out his exhausted cigarette, stubbed it out in the ashtray, pulled another from his pack, lit it, and stuck it in his mouth.
Which is why I opened up the coffin and stuck a cigarette in his mouth.
How was I to know someone had dowsed him in gasoline?



Andrew Ian Dodge tells the vicious tale of Div…

Div was thrown a curve when he learned Robbie Williams was coming back to Take That. His killing spree the last time was after the singer left the group. He did it to keep TT going after Williams left the fold. His only hope is that Robbie was not “Back for Good’ so he could kill again. Div was upset; he so enjoyed his murdering; it gave him a thrill so missing in his life. Frustrated Div tossed the balled up paper into the fire…as his last victim burnt to a crisp. This bottle of gasoline had seen to that.

Written In Rock


Don’t believe Rick Springfield’s lies when he sings “Nothing’s written in rock.”
Some things are written in rock. And they do last forever.
It’s when things are written in ice cream that they don’t last.
Sure, that gigantic two-ton fudge sundae that says “Happy birthday, Morty” on the side looks like it could survive a Japanese invasion fleet, but the truth is that it can barely withstand the coordinated assault of a kindergarten class armed with nothing but spoons and their appetites.
In fact, that’s what Pearl Harbor was supposed to be, until the Japs realized that children don’t explode.



Eldrick was furious.
He had recently scored a set of classic persimmon-head clubs. Not for work, he had told himself. Never for work. These beauties are for pleasure.
Their heads glowed with a deep varnished luster, the brass screws set perfectly flush. Four gorgeous clubs: driver, brassie, cleek, and spoon. Products of a bygone age.
And now they were missing.
How can they be missing? he asked himself. How many golf club thieves can there be at an Oceanographic Institute on the south shore of Cape Cod?
Eldrick groaned, thinking of the headlines. “Woods Loses Woods at Woods (Hole).” Crap.

Take That


Andrew Ian Dodge tells another tale to the music…

He watched the fire burn bright; on his iPod was Take That’s Relight My Fire. He never thought he would be back doing his tribute to the boys. It took him from the time of the reunion announcement until their first gig to decide how he would restart his tribute. Would he kill aging TT fans or young girls like the last time? Would his failed pursuers figure out he had returned? Teenage girls are far more newsworthy than older women. The song ended and he headed away from the still burning body…looking forward to next date on their tour.

Some stains


Some stains don’t come out easily.
No, I’m not talking about grape juice stains. We get enough of those in the clothes people donate through us.
I’m talking about spiritual stains. Echoes of misery and agony, soaked into the fabric beyond the reach of any detergent.
Put on a haunted suit, the wedding goes bad.
Put on a haunted ball cap, you get headaches.
Put on a haunted dress, your tits sag.
That’s why we use a laundry that has a full-time exorcist on staff. Removes the curses.
But if you don’t pay, we can always put them back in.

Poor Career Choice


Dr. Zimmerman shook his head in frustration.
Since hanging out his shingle, he had had hundreds of patients. Not a single one ever came back a second time.
It was a damned shame. A poor choice of specialty. Prostate exams…
He had been a football player in his younger days. With hands the size of Smithfield hams, he could snag almost any pass. But when a knee injury buried his NFL dreams, medical school beckoned.
Crap, he thought.
You don’t need a weatherman to see which way the wind blows…or that the world has no need for a Meaty Urologist.



What lurks beneath? Andrew Ian Dodge worries…

In London we dig underground deep into the cold soil to make room for our trains and tunnels.
Thousands of workers and machines toiling in the earth. Amongst the workers, who work 24/7, are a few people whose task is to provide safety. They aren’t health & safety people; but dedicated individuals who make sure that all the tunnels are properly protected.
Those marks you see speeding along in the tube or in your car are not graffiti or left over from construction. They are wards against some of the other things that reside in the earth.
Very nasty things.