Justin’s Sleepwalk


My wife always said that I sleepwalk, but I didn’t believe her… until now.
While on vacation in Turkey recently, I pushed a woman over a bridge while sleepwalking.
My lawyer tried to get me out of it, unsuccessfully.
I was sentenced to thirty-five years in a prison on the outskirts of Istanbul for my crime.
I don’t sleepwalk anymore. Hell, I barely sleep. I live my days in constant fear that my cellmate, Big Willy, will make me bend over for another “special moment.” I wish I were dead.
Why couldn’t I have just sleepwalked off of that bridge?

Justin’s story didn’t stick to his email when he sent it in for the Challenge. I was too lazy to re-edit the Challenge to add it in, so here it is in all of its glory.
Justin is now eligible for the magnets and the glory of selecting the topic should he win.