Haunts Me


My little girl was shrieking. Confused.
Her back legs were limp. She fell off the bed, dragging herself.
Scared beyond description.
I called my wife, called a cab, got dressed. Got her into a carrier and out the door.
The emergency clinic said it was a blood clot. They’d try to thin it with drugs.
When they took her in back, I heard her meowing her “WHERE’S DADDY?” cry.
Go home, they said. Sleep. Come back to check her into the day clinic.
Two hours later, they called.
I should have been there for her.
And that’s what haunts me.

2 thoughts on “Haunts Me”

  1. That is a very powerful story. Thank you for sharing.
    We never know everything, you have to forgive yourself and remember the good times. I know it’s hard around this time of year, but you are a good man, and you loved her. You gave her a LOT of good memories, and she knows that.

  2. What Houston said. You had to give your girl into the hands of those who could care for her best at the time. You gave her a wonderful life, and at the end you did all you could. No one could ask for more.

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