Weekly Challenge #92 – Candy


Welcome to the Ninety-Second Weekly Challenge, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was selected by Kelly Burt.
It’s Candy
The excellent theme music is by Guy David

Which stories were the best from Weekly Challenge #92?
Caleb from Black Tie Martini Club
Terry from Old Cootcast
Tom from Footnote
Guy David from Guy David dot com
Daphne from Going Broke
Kelly from Come Let Me Whisper
Laieanna at Hodgepodge Point
Planet Z
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Go ahead and listen to them and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):


It was three thirty in the morning and I couldn”t sleep. I was haunted by all the imponderables of life. Is it the philtrum that holds the tip onto a pool cue and the ferrule that sits between your nose and mouth or is it the other way around? And what about philately? The smell of my cigarette burning in the night must have woken candy up she said, “come back to bed. I”m about to dream of swans in leisure suits, you wouldn”t want to miss out on that” She was right as usual. I went back to bed.


The Candy has always been my downfall.
From the first time I tasted it, it had me.
It can destroy judgment as fast and sure as a man.
The Boss with his promises of fun and money soon had me also.
But, it was the Candy that I wanted the most, which he was glad to provide.
Through the haze created the Candy, so simple were the foulest of ideals.
With the Candy, I could do his dirty deeds.
The Candy had captured me and destroyed my soul.
With the Candy I became reckless and carefree.
With the Candy I seemed invincible and unstoppable.
With the Candy as my guide, I had gone out into the city.
Carefree and reckless, I again went to do his deeds.
Now, with the candy in one hand and a smoking gun in the other,
I watch blood flow from me.
The Candy has made me the enemy of myself.


Lt. Brumsfield pulled back the sheet covering the coed. Her face had the same stupid grin as the other UC students. Rudy the CSI photographer noted his discuss for Candy. That is what they called Germanium Tetra Lithium on the street cus it sugarcoated the DNA in the brain. Truth told candy never made it to the street, it could only be cooked up in the best of researcher labs. Thus it only appeared in the university population dues its steep cost and proxicimity. The guys who produced G4T were called the Candymen. They wrapped their wares in Wonker wrappers.


“I want candy” the overgrown 3 years old screamed at the top of her voice, while tearing off another building. Much to her disappointment, she found no candy inside, so she strolled of, leaving a trail of wrecked cars and screaming pedestrians behind. The scientists where waving their strange ray gun at her. “Do it” screamed the senator, “blow this intruder into kingdom come”. “But she’s a human being” protested one of the scientists. “shit, do it”, the senator shouted, so she was blown right into virtuality. “Oh, candy” said the girl and started climbing candy mountain on Edloe Island.


Johnny spoke of candy hourly. They had ran through every candy they could think of from Almond Joy to Zero Bar. Still, nothing seemed to satisfy his sweet tooth. Johnny was 82 and an alzheimer’s patient, so the girls took as much time as possible with him. They hoped if one of them could find the key, then maybe they could assist him with living in the present more. Then it clicked, one of the girls realized that candy was not referring to a sugary treat, but to a lost love. Now they knew the correct question: Who is Candy?


OK, remember when you were a kid and you were told not to do something but you did it anyway then something went wrong and you learned your lesson, that’s what this is. I took candy from a stranger, the next thing I know my hair is messed up, my clothes are ripped, I have this knife in my hand and I’m cover in… well.. it’s not blood, it looks like transmission fluid or oil and there’s a body, but it’s not really a body, it’s a wind-up toy… a Stepford Butler really… but I learned my lesson and no one really died… So can I go officer? I promise never to take candy from a tall, gray haired woman with wind-up keys in their back again.


It’s the race of the century, folks, our Gingerbread men lined up,
ready to take this treacheries course. They’re off! Green rounds
the corner, taking the lead. Blue and Red are right behind with
yellow on their heels. Green is down, stuck in Gooey Gumdrops. The
rest easily pass. Oh no, Blue ran off the track! He’s lost in
Lollipop Woods. Red takes the lead. Yellow changes course down
Rainbow Trail. Can he beat Red to Candy Castle? Red puts on an extra
burst of speed. He better watch”oh to late, he’s neck deep in
Molasses Swamp. Yellow wins CandyLand!


Willy Wonka didn’t give a shit anymore.
After decades of exhausting prestidigitation in this fucked-up nightmare factory, he just wanted to escape.
No more worrying about quality standards, market share, and these damn, crazy-assed singing midgets.
He put his hand on the Everlasting Gobstopper, quoted Shakespeare, and knew he was condemning Charlie to misery.
But, just maybe, maybe it would be different for Charlie.
Happiness? Joy?
No, he’ll also end up a haggard, burnt-out hollow shell, a lonely, envied chocolatier.
The other kids, they were the lucky ones. They came away wiser.
Charlie, he’d never get away.

One thought on “Weekly Challenge #92 – Candy”

  1. Nuh uh Planet Z, Charlie was okay. Just look back on Challenge #74. Charlie just changed the whole factory around to a healthier establishment. Then he probably slit his wrists.

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