It’s Bath Time

I stood naked in the bathtub, a black plastic bag tied around my broken right arm.
Sitting down slowly in the warm soapy water my first real bath in a week.
It felt so good the water on my skin, the heavy stink of the hospital bed slowly scrubbed away by the washcloth in my wife’s hands, gliding over my body.
I lean forward, and she scrubs my back.
I lean back, and she scrubs my chest.
My neck.
My legs.
My good arm.
She leaves me there in the tub to soak and think.
Just breathe, and weep helplessly.

2 thoughts on “It’s Bath Time”

  1. Laurence,

    Sorry to hear of your accident. How painful and frustrating. Heal quickly.

  2. Hi… FYI, there’s a bit of a delay between when I write my stories and when they appear on the feed.

    This one was written back in September 2012.

    I went through rehab for the elbow, and I got back most of my range of motion. I didn’t have much strength in that arm to begin with, but it’s functional.

    Every now and then, I have to work my elbow and fingers to get the full feeling back, but that’s not so bad. At least it works.


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