

Somewhere in the basement of the records office, I swear, you could hear clicking.
I dug around, opened up an old wooden crate, and found a telegraph key.
As I held it up to the light, looking for some kind or label, the switch clacked.
I nearly dropped it.
Maybe it just… you know…
It clacked again. And again.
Pretty soon, it was tapping a sequence. I put it on the crate’s lid, pulled out a notebook, and wrote it down.
I’m not good with Morse Code, but I swear it said: “Get me out of here.”
And who?

One thought on “Telegraph”

  1. Gday Gday,
    Anyone want to do a Cybster Challenge? I’m crappy at writing but anyone who can write a story for me to record for the Weekly Challenge, I’d be happy to do it.

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