Mister Hunktastic


A smile. A perfect smile.
A patent pending smile, it’s so perfect.
Coming down the street.
Traffic stops. Everyone swoons.
It’s him.
Mister Hunktastic.
The one and only.
But man enough to be two… three… four…
Five? No, that’s silly.
Maybe four and a half.
Mister Hunktastic.
All man all the time.
Even asleep. The standard is set for hunkiness.
Hunkitude? Hunkery?
He’s gonna franchise himself. Make millions.
Coming down your street.
Traffic stops. Everybody swoons.
Mister Hunktastic.
And his perfect smile.
His perfect perfect smile.
Oh so perfect.
Let’s all smile.
Smile big and perfect.
Along with.
Mister Hunktastic.