Rite of Passage


Some societies have complex and deadly rites of passage. The elders really bust your ass.
Others require that simple rituals be performed. That kind of cake walk makes for a weak man and a weak tribe.
The times sure have changed since my tribe roamed these lands, before fences. Before the white men came.
My great-grandfather had to hunt ten rattlesnakes on his own. Now, my grandson gets a hundred bucks worth of chips and is told to make it last the evening.
Otherwise, we’ll throw a rattlesnake at him.
Maybe the times haven’t changed all that much after all.

One thought on “Rite of Passage”

  1. hahhahahha!
    the second time through, i imagined the grandson surrounded by $100 of snack chips, and his rite of passage being an evening of gluttony… like a samoan prince :)

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