Weekly Challenge #153 – Swimming in de Nile


Welcome to the Weekly Challenge Number One Hundred And Fifty Three, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was… was…. um…
It’s Swimming in De Nile.
The excellent theme music is by Guy David

Which were the best stories from Weekly Challenge #153?
Tom from http://midi.libsyn.com/
Guy from http://guydavid.com/
Caleb from http://blacktiemartiniclub.com/
Lynda from http://sisterpepperspray.blogspot.com
Jeffrey from http://greathites.blogspot.com
Justin from http://thespaceturtle.com
Anima from http://zabbadabba.com
Norval Joe from http://www.norvalsoutlook.blogspot.com/
Houston Keys from http://tatertotsforthemasses.blogspot.com
Mike from http://mjpaxton.com
Planet Z
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Go ahead and listen to them and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):


Alma Sue Louise, that was her conformation name, was a deeply devoted catholic had that amazing logical off twitch which allowed her to believe in spite of all mounding evidence that her husband Leroy Michael Joseph was cheating on her with no less that her childhood friend Mary Margaret Xavier Sullivan.
“Girl” said her mother, “if you believe that man
of yours is faithful youall is treading water in Egypt.”

What Momma?”
“Yous is swimming in de Nile.”
“I don’t know how to swimming.”
“Lordie child
“I’m going to have to drop you
“in Jean-Paul Sartre end of de pool.”

Guy David

The young princess went skinny dipping in the river, when she spotted a small ark flouting on it. She fished it and found a crying baby inside. She got home and asked her father, The Pharaoh, if she could keep him. “Sure” her father said, “As long as you take him for walks. I don’t want him shitting all over my palace.” She thanked him and decided to name the baby. At first she thought of calling him Moses since in her language it meant “the one that got fished from the river”, but then she just called him Fiddo.


While swimming in the nile
I met a crocodile
As our eyes met
Down the bank he swept
He gave me such a smile.
I thought then how I’d wish
I’d not had so much fish
Down in my guts
With wine and nuts
To make a croc’s stuffed dish
The croc began to swim
With vigor and with vim
On up to me
I tried to flee
And pleaded unto him
The croc said pleased to meet you
Now I’m not here to eat you
You won’t be gored
By the tourism board
I’m simply here to greet you


In the summer of 1927 I was part of an expedition to uncover the lost temple of
Sobek-Ra, the crocodile god of Egypt. It was hot inside the tombs, but it was even
hotter outside. At the end of the day we’d wash the sand and sweat off in the
river, ignoring the warnings of the locals about what lay beneath the surface. I
was the only only one to survive.
I still hear the sound when I try to sleep. Those days were called the roaring
twenties for a reason, just not the reason anyone wants to admit.


“Momma Neith, is it October yet? I want a tasty tourist…”
“Sssh… No tears, Sobek. Big crocs don’t cry. Look! The feluccas are coming
down river. Be still… Go with the flow. Lower your head more… just nostrils
out of the water.”
“There’s one… the lady trailing her fingers in the water…”
“No, she’ll never go swimming and She looks too old anyway… keep on looking.
Let’s wait for a boat filled with young people. Listen for the loudest one.
Tourists rarely pay attention to anything floating quietly, plus, they find
the Egyptian sun so hot…”
“I am a log…”


there are only so many things one person can do, no matter how hard
that person works. I was living proof of that. Here I was, I thought
I had it all under control. My wife was happy, my kids were happy, my
boss was happy. Heck most days I was pretty sure that I was happy.
Then we had to get the swimming pool, the pool was great the kids
loved it. Then came the lap machine, one that makes a current. The
all stood and laughed cranking, that was when I realized I was
swimming in de Nile.


When Discovery Channel scientists developed a camera that could see into
ancient times, current archeology became a thing of the past. The first
documentary, Egypt, broadcast live.
Many amazing discoveries were made about ancient Egypt. It was a very
nihilistic society. Activities at a bath proved that Chiropractic care
already existed. It was even discovered there was a sales team that sold
giant stones and involved higher ranked salesmen taking part of lower ranked
salesman’s earnings, it was the first pyramid scheme. The most amazing
discovery revealed that Pharaohs were buried with sweet lozenges to help
deal with their sarcophagus.

Norval Joe

Michael Phelps likes to do everything fast. Whether it is chopping vegetables, signing autographs or learning to speak Chinese, with Rosetta Stone.
On a flight to Europe the in-flight movie was Crocodile Dundee, and that gave him an idea. Redirecting his return flight through Egypt he went to the Nile to show Paul Hogan what he was made of. In his speedo, he jumped in to outswim the crocodiles.
His goal was to beat the records he set in the 2008 summer Olympics. Instead, in London, in 2012, he’ll be in the paralympics, competing as a double, below knee, amputee.

Houston Keys

You ask ME about swimming in de Nile?
I did it once, but only once. Leeches and creepy crawlies in my nether
regions convinced me to give it up. Besides camel dung and plagues and
all that other stuff takes away from the fun.
Sometimes de Nile isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I used to watch my
buddies swim, but some seasons all they could do was wallow in it as
there wasn’t enough crap to actually swim in.
Well, enough wool gathering about my own youthful indiscretions.
I prefer to let the president swim in it now.

Mike P

Deanna Nile had become a celebrity at age 17, when her first CD
dropped and sixth grade girls went nuts. Her parents hired bodyguards
to protect her from the loonies, but they had limits. When she snuck
off and met her dealer, her guards didn’t know where she was. Nobody
did, except for the dealer. And Harry, her “number one fan.” The
bodyguards found Deanna in the alley behind the club 15 minutes too
late, her blood pooling on the ground. Cockroaches were swarming, and
as it began to rain it seemed as if they were swimming in De Nile.

Planet Z

Once, long ago, Egypt boasted many rivers.
One by one, these rivers were picked up and hauled away by various conquerors.
Dragged before royal courts in chains, forced to bow before kings, used for sport and pleasure.
Louis the Sixteenth powered his fountains with The River Anubis.
Pretty soon, all that was left was the Nile.
Too valuable to lose, Nasser ordered the construction of the Aswan Dam for its protection.
It’s worked well. Until today.
Our team is ready and waiting in Sudan, and with one word, the trap will be unleashed.
So, President Mubarak, about that billion dollars?

One thought on “Weekly Challenge #153 – Swimming in de Nile”

  1. I knew that I had waffled on a long time, and figured I had overdone it, but it wasn’t much worse than Guy or Jeff. But, was that why you left my recording out?………….!

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