

I like to play backgammon, but instead of checkers, I use cookies.
You just have to make sure that the cookies are different colors. Otherwise, you can’t tell which are your cookies and which are mine.
If you like Nutter Butters, then I’ll use Oreos.
I like Oreos.
We can put the cookies on the board, roll dice, and play until it’s time to bear the cookies off.
Every cookie you bear off, you get to eat.
Of course, eating 15 cookies can make you feel really sick.
Now you know why I don’t play with a doubling cube.

One thought on “Cookiegammon”

  1. Actually, I prefer Scottish shortbread, but that works with Oreos.
    Also, I could eat 15 of them easily.
    That’s why I play tournaments.

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