The Day Ends


Valentine’s Day comes once a year, and then it’s gone.
The flowers are dead, the chocolates are eaten, the champagne bottle is out in the recycling bin with the rest of the glass, and the card is buried behind the past few day’s stack of bills.
Still, it’s not as grisly a scene as when St. Patrick’s Day is over.
Half-empty kegs, beer-vomit and piss in the hallway, plastic cups on the lawn…
And then there’s the matter of the dead leprechaun.
I followed the rainbow, found his gold, stuck the little corpse in the pot, and buried it again.

2 thoughts on “The Day Ends”

  1. The new background track definitely adds an interesting touch to the podcast. I prefer without it, or maybe if the volume on it was a bit lower, since it feels like it’s taking focus that should be on the story, but that’s just my take on the track.
    It’s a bummer that the laptop has been down, my morning commute just isn’t quite the same without my daily fix of 100 Word Stories. I hope you get it up and running again soon.
    Keep up the great work.

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