Weekly Challenge #207 – Alliteration


Welcome to the Weekly Challenge Number Two Hundred and Six, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was… was…. um…
It’s Alliteration!
According to Wikipedia:

Alliteration is a literary or rhetorical stylistic device that consists in repeating the same consonant sound at the beginning of two or more words in close succession. An example is the Mother Goose tongue-twister, “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers …


Which were the best stories this year?
Anima and Arri
Norval Joe
Planet Z
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Go ahead and listen to them and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):


I´m plauged by a dastardly demon, a robotic ruler
who harangues and harasses hundred of words out of me.
Each week I resist, I rant and I rave
determined that this week I shall be free.
On Monday eve, I start to take my leave,
determined not to learn of the next theme.
But by Friday morn I´ve perused the poll,
and am mocked by the monkey meme.
So each week I bring tribute, mosaics of memories;
Feverishly, from my fingers flow these fictions.
From home and afar, I submit. I submit.
And lament the laxity of my linguistic locutions.


Richard rushed across the room to his typewriter. Rolling in a sheet of clean white paper, he mumbled to himself as his fingers flew over the keys. His muse was in full force today, and he could feel this, his first novel, would be his masterpie-
With a cry, he pulled apart jammed keys, sobbing as one letter’s head cracked cleanly off its rod. He tried to continue anyway:
“.ucius .amed .achrymose .abradors .ackadaisica..y”
It was no use. He ripped the paper free and buried his head in his arms.
For want of an “l”, the debut was lost.


Peter Parker listens to Peter Piper’s podcast persistently unpleased Peter Piper prepaired pickled peppers but never posted how Peter Pickled peppers on the vine. Peter has a place where he prepares peppered peaches. Although Peter listens to Piper’s podcast his problem with his pink petunias persisted. Peter Piper’s pussycat purrs persistently although it’s predominantly pissed off even when pouncing on its pony plush toy . As Peter’s program plays, postman Percy peruses a Pratchett book in which the Patrician’s Palace has a predominate place. Peter Parker pontificates Peter Piper’s pussy’s problem as posting him a parcel packed with pink petunias.


The MATS matinee of “Let’s Murder Marsha” marked a magnificent magnum opus by a mellifluous dramatis personae. Christine Morse played Marsha with moxie and Graham “The Man” Toler was downright muppety. Amanda made a remarkable maid and Kirk made a maestro Mr. Gilmore. Angie played a Persis to perfection and Jerry jumped out as a gendarme.Last but not least Ceecy’s Lynette was a lark as a lush and it all came together tremendously. Now, if all of you will get out of my head for a moment I’m gonna take the next week off to unwind and welax and wecover.

Norval Joe

Crouching crow-like creatures crept and crawled from the crumbling, creeper covered crypt. Whimpering and whining they wheeled away, wickedly taloned wing tips, whisper in the wind.
A single soul sits so silently she seems asleep.
Suddenly she stands straight. Frantic, she flees the frenetic flying fiends.
Running, she races the rabid rooks. Refuge is revealed through red brick arches.
Safe, she sighs and shivers, secure inside the sealed sanctuary.
Tenacious and terrible the tiny terrorists torment and tap wickedly without the windows.
Rescuers arrive to destroy the angry assailants and release the horrified heroine.
Happy, she hugs her handsome hero.


Arrgh! All my days, I am again and again admonishing
Litterbugs to leave and let me have a lone lazy
Leisure-filled lark on my lush lawn.
In intelligent interview, I insist they are impeding inherent
Tranquility. Yet, they tarry and try my temper. To tame my
Ever-ready energy is an even edgier evocation I’d
Really rather regret releasing. Ridiculous revelry wreaks
Aggression and animosity as I avoid
Turning to tussles over trespasses. Time tames my
Irritation. I insist I invite no intrusion into my
Orbit. Ordinary objects do not obstruct my
Need for niceties. I know I’m not neurotic, no?


increasing Ivan’s income because he was industrious, Isaiah indentured Ivan and inundated him with idiotic inquisitions. Instead of indulging Isaiah, Ivan became insubordinate. Inciting an insurrection, Ivan included others in the incapacitation of the inglorious incubators of evil. Ingesting them impulsively, Ivan increased in immensity. In the end, Ivan learned that imbibing them increased his intellect. Instead of inclining towards illustriousness, Ivan instead inclined entirely to abstaining from alliteration. Then he read about how cannibalism was frowned upon and regurgitated all the evil, unlearning all.

Planet Z

Martin took the package into the basement, beyond the range of the scanners, and opened it.
A book. An actual book. Before e-books. Before censorship.
Before the scanners.
It was dictionary, and he started with A.
He saw words he’d never seen or heard before.
And some he’d heard as a child, his grandfather teaching them to him.
Before they took him away.
He was reading about “alliteration” when the door was kicked in.
The Librarian Squad dragged him off.
An agent looked at the book, ran a finger down the page.
“Allowable,” he said.
And got out his lighter.