Weekly Challenge #243: Inspiration

Welcome to the Weekly Challenge Number Two Hundred and Forty-Three, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.

The topic this week was Inspiration!

Go ahead and listen to them and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):

And if you want to spam your social networks with this episode, use the Share buttons at the end of the post.


Wow, one of my shows won the Emmy. I knew cross-genre fiction had become popular but
I never expected this. Thanks to my staff. Thank you Jonathon and Gary of Notes Form
Coode Street for whatever you said that inspired me to write Stargate CSI, StarShip CSI, and
CSI Mars Station. I also want to thank Frank Darabont for making some very talented writers
available to help me with three of this years Emmy nominated shows. Finally , thanks to Justin
Lowmaster and Lawrence Simon for getting me into drabbles since awards ceremonies now
limit acceptance speeches to 100 words long.


“Feeling inspired yet?” she asked with a smirk in her voice.
“That’s not really helping,” I groaned, wiping the last remnants of sleepy glue from my eyes.
“Oh, I’m sorry ’bout that,” she purred. “Is there something I could do to help you get your creative juices flowing this morning?”
“Well, that is in your job description isn’t it?, I croaked semi-rhetorically, with a tinge of pathetic hope in my voice.
“Ok,” she replied. “Do you want to do this the hard way, or will you roll your lazy ass over?”
I sighed, opened my laptop, and began writing.


You inspired me with thousands of words written to make sure I never fell backwards.  You helped me fight the deepest sadness, and depression.  You grabbed me, stood me in front of a mirror, and said, “Look at yourself Helen, you cannot give-up or give in if you give-up then everyone else wins.”

Your heart flutters like butterfly wings.  You have faced far worse situations, far worse conditions, and far worse heartaches. You wrote the book on inspiration, look at the beggar on the corner with no home at all.

Breathe, endure, believe, smile, and love …


I want to be the first zombie president.

Inspiration I bring you

Be more that the sum of your dissociating parts

I seek your undefined attention

Yes we can

Yes can can can

If elected I promise a brain in every pot and

Pot in every brain.

If elected I promise a ban on shotguns

Spear guns flame throwers

Axes lawn shears

And crochet hooks.

If you are tired of that pack of fake zombie

Wannabes drolling on excessively about health care

Elect a real rotter.

God Bless the arm I’m crewing on

And God Bless the United States of America


Back in the seventies when Games Workshop was beginning, they had an office, and therefore couldn’t afford an apartment, so they lived in a van until they could afford both. They started distributing TSRs game Dungeons and Dragons and this really pushed Games Workshop forward. When TSR wanted to buy Games Workshop, or stop distributing through them, Games Workshop decided to hold their ground, and Warhammer was born. Amidst all this, they made the Fighting Fantasy books, a sort of role-playing adventure you played in a book. I want to make a choose your own adventure style interactive fiction game.


She kicks me out of bed, rumpled rolling tangle onto the cold floor.
I cover my face as the cheap pen and notepad arc over the edge of the

My voice is a croak. “Now?”

She looks over the comforter. “Yes.”

I have fifteen hundred words when she leaves. She rotates among us.
“Write,” she commands. “Write.”

We write until our fingers bleed. We have to.

I was the first to discover she didn’t like alcohol. As I drank and
smoked hand-rolled cigarettes, she snorted at me.

“You and Hemingway,” she said. I ginned, free of the muse.


We had to call it the Inspiron processor because some other company had
already called their processor the Inspiration. What they’d actually
done is torn a transistor radio apart and stuck the various components
together with the innards of a calculator into a piece of green plastic.
It burst into flames after like five calculations but because their
uncle actually worked in the patent office or something, “the
Inspiration” predated ours by three days. We take consolation in the
fact that we know how to build computers, and certainly the gajillion
dollars our processor made helps to ease the pain.

Norval Joe

Ashton’s writer’s block was so persistent that the once prolific author hadn’t penned a single story in ten years. He even considered taking Viagra since it always helped when he lacked sufficient romantic inspiration.
Wallowing in self pity he watched old movies on Net Flicks, day and night until he came upon “Forest Gump”.
Ashton hit the streets in a brand new pair of running shoes. It worked for Forest, it could work for him. Just yards from his home he tripped on uneven ground and plowed into the dirt head first.
He stumbled back home to try the viagra.

Planet Z

If you toast my health, toast my bad health.

I am allergic to many things, and when I am not careful, welts and sores open up along my thighs.

To some, they would seem a burden, but to me they are an inspiration.

All of my paintings, poetry, music, and sculpture are a result of examining and exploring the revolting landscapes on my legs.

The only form of art that does not benefit from my malady is dance.

Instead of being inspired to dance, I do my best to stay as still as I can to avoid chafing and infection.

3 thoughts on “Weekly Challenge #243: Inspiration”

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