The new reality

Sheltering in place during a social shutdown can provide all kinds of unusual opportunities for entertainment.
I like to watch network television for the commercials.
And when the companies in their ads show actors doing things that are completely absurd in these new times, I point it out.
“Those people are touching strangers in public,” I say. “They have the virus now.”
Or someone walking through a grocery store with full shelves.
Yeah, like that’s going to happen with hoarding.
Or a fancy commercial for some new wonderdrug.
Where the advertisement cost more than the company’s Research and Development budget.

One thought on “The new reality”

  1. “Where the advertisement cost more than the company’s Research and Development budget.”

    In Covid-19 times they didn’t need to advertise anything, just mention it. “Yo, we got a new chicken broth that’ll heal all your problems!” Et voila, license to print money!

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