Weekly Challenge #829: Hair

Curl up


Just Fine

At first, everything seemed just fine. We breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that disaster, at least this time, had been averted.

That is, until our hair began falling out.

Then, the blistered skin, weeping sores and shortness of breath. It was then only a matter of time before the agony, the fever and eventually death.

They’d lied to us.

The reactor core had not been made safe.

Everything was certainly not fine.

And there was nothing we could do about it.

And neither can you.

Except to say your goodbyes, prepare as best you can, lie down, and wait.


“What have you done?”
My sister shrugged.
“But your hair…”
She smiled and shrugged again.
“Is something wrong?”
She shook her head and mumbled something about a sign.
“What sign?”
She was moving on, away from vanity.
Being a shampoo model had been very profitable for her.
“What about your job?”
She looked at me.
“No, no no.”

My hair is now long enough for me to take her old job. I’ll get my own place and I’ll be filthy rich. Life is a lot simpler than we think. It just takes a bit longer when we’re talking about hair.


Mother always used to love it when I brushed her hair. She would sit with me on the sofa, eyes closed, whilst I eased the tangles and knots gently from her long, flowing, locks.

And then we would talk, long into the night, at peace with each other and the world.

Mother died some years back now, and how I miss those conversations.

But, every now and then, I still sit with her on the sofa, her body leaning against mine, whilst I brush her hair, just as I used to when she was alive.

She’d have wanted it so.


What Could Go Possibly Wrong 029

What first appeared as an aquatic bio-mass on longer inspection turned out to be seriously reenforced steel with an ample attached aquatic bio-mass. This was further confirmed by an ever widening hatch. To the company this was not very reassuring and the slow advance of Cervantes drove home a done breath yet vib, expect for John. A woman poked her head out. A shock of red hair and understate Ray Ban. With a lazy index finger she raised the lens. She tosed her hair in a Veronica Lake move and said the following “Charlemagne’s ukulele. “Sweet and low,” replied Arnesto


“Romance?” Billbert asked.
Sabrina grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him toward her. “Yeah. Romance.” She shook back her hair, closed her eyes and puckered her lips.
Gracilda poked Billbert in the back. “Go on, boy. Kiss her.”
Billbert looked around the room and saw that Sabrina was the only one with her eyes closed. All others were on him.
He figured he couldn’t leave until he did what they said and put his hands on Sabrina’s waist. He bent forward and kissed her.
A collective gasp filled the room just before Billbert’s head bumped lightly against the ceiling.


Charlie never grew any hair.
He had some kind of condition, and we teased him about it.
Charlie didn’t care at all.
Heck, sometimes, he’d joke about it.
Putting on thick black fake eyebrows and a thick black mustache.
And a wild and crazy rainbow wig.
He looked like some kind of crazy Muppet thing.
And he’d talk in a high squeaky voice.
It was funny as hell.
Until he’d show up in your room at 2 in the morning.
Holding a razor to your throat.
“Shave and a haircut, two bits,” he whispered.
We never teased Charlie ever again.