Weekly Challenge #962 – PICK TWO Lost in translation, Incapable, Wish, Chainsaw, Too long, Full of

The next topic is Finding


Last Wish

It was a beautiful day. One of those days you wish you had nothing to do. Sunny, but with the right amount of clouds. Just take a walk on the beach. Perhaps with a beautiful babe on your arm. Or two. A nice bottle of wine. And spend it there watching the seagulls frolic. But he came, interrupting my reverie. “About this last wish?” he seemed harassed, as if he had something urgent to do. I told him. In detail. Trying to capture the images I had seen in my mind. “This is taking too long.” “Platoon?” “Take aim!” “Fire!”


The locked cabinet was full of mysterious objects. There were no shrunken heads or pentagram amulets, but there were figurines of cryptic creatures and talismans with arcane symbols.
Knowing he was incapable of opening the curio, Billbert said, “I wish I knew someone with magic who could open this thing.”
Both Mrs.Wienerheimer and Sabrina stared at him blankly.
Sabrina put her hand on the cabinet and there was an audible click. “When I told you I’m a witch, was something lost in the translation?”
His mother smiled patiently. “Be a dear, Billbert, and get the cardboard boxes from the car.”


Incapable Wish With grateful thanks to Babylon Five

Victoria Van Beinghem Shushburge Ausstaylor Holezinvice was the 15th Matetron Supreme only six years old. One day she was wandering in the imperial gardens when she came upon a rose brush. “Why aren’t flowers,” she asked. The general accompanying her replied “They will bloom in a few days.” Victoria quipped, “Have a guarded posted to protect the blossoms.” The general clicked his heels “Your wish is law my queen.” A guard was posed. Soon the child lost interest, became old and died. The court remained incapable of countermanding that wish. So, a solider still stands guard a 1000 years later.


The chainsaw hanging behind the door didn’t go too well with the sweet little quote on the wall. “After all this time. Always.” After all this time? Always? That could mean something completely different. He had to go. What are you doing, she asked. Nothing, nothing, just looking for my shoes. Leaving? Well, I… He tapped his watch. Where was the damn door, he thought. She turned around to grab something and to his horror… Is this what you’re looking for? He always thought the sound of church bells would be the last thing he would hear. Nope, it wasn’t.


Admit it, you knew I was going to pick ‘chainsaw’.
You’re thinking that a prompt like that is a gift to someone like me, obsessed with blood, guts and gore, and pretty much incapable of writing anything that doesn’t involve torture, decapitation, murder or cannibalism.
Well, sorry for being so predictable.
Not that I care: That’s how I write, and I can’t see it changing any time soon. If you don’t like it, then just move on to somebody else’s story.
However, nobody dies on this occasion.
But, trust me, I’ll be putting that chainsaw to use in the future!


Wishful thinking
I’ll admit I felt a bit foolish when I found the lamp, but I had to give it a quick rub, just to see.
Remarkably, it worked, and a huge genie suddenly appeared, bowed and spoke to me in a deep, rumbling voice.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand a word. I assumed he was speaking Arabic, offering me the usual obligatory wish.
But, no biggy. I fished out my phone, and typed ‘Make me a multi-millionaire’ into Google translate.
There was a poof of smoke.
And I found myself locked up in an asylum.
Guess something was lost in translation.


Back in third grade, I knew this kid who asked Santa for a chainsaw.
That was back when it was okay for Santa Claus to show up in schools, before all this politically correct and woke nonsense took over.
Every year, the kid asked for a chainsaw, but he never got it.
First grade, second grade, third grade.
No chain saw.
I moved in the spring of third grade, so I have no idea if he ever got the chainsaw.
I read the newspaper from there now and then to see if his name pops up.
Perhaps he moved too?