Save My Baby!

A woman shouts “SAVE MY BABY!” and she points to a bakery.
I run into the bakery and see a drooling and gibbering chef wrapping a baby into a pie crust.
“Stop!” I growl, grabbing the baby from the chef. “That’s just wrong. And barbaric”
I pull out my smartphone and showed the chef how you’re supposed to cook a baby.
“You can’t just stick it in the oven,” I say. “Cut it up into sections.”
He smiled, got out his butcher’s knife, and I shut the door to the bakery.
How can the man work with all that screaming?

One thought on “Save My Baby!”

  1. Heard you might also want to try sautéing the sections first before placing them into the crust. Then finish it off in the oven…wait or was that something else… hmm

    This made me bear a grin of maniacal, evil genius proportions.

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