Weekly Challenge #274 – Dreams

Welcome to the 100 Word Stories podcast at podcasting.isfullofcrap.com. I’m your host, Laurence Simon.

This is Weekly Challenge Number Two Hundred and Seventy-Four, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.

The topic this week was Dreams

How about voting for your favorites?

Too bad. “The Poll Cannot Be Created” is back!

Laina Ash
TJ Aman
Philip “Norval Joe” Carroll
Daniel W.
Planet Z

And if you want to spam your social networks with this episode, use the Share buttons at the end of the post.

We’re gonna try something new this week… yes, the Weekly Challengers are going to send in topic suggestions, but how about all you folks out there in the global Interwebs join in the topic-suggesting process by posting your topic suggestions in the comments!

(One of these days, SOMEONE will pot a comment… well, besides TJ checking in from the Big ND.)


I have a unique ability – I can predict when changes will occur in my life.

Normally I do not remember my dreams but there are times when I will have a series of vivid, unrelated dreams that stay with me. After six months or so, when the dreams have been long forgotten, events will happen in my life that bring the dreams back to life. The dreams become real. Like déjà vu.

That déjà vu is always followed by a momentous change in my life.
Like the time three months ago when I dreamt I was a writer.
Oh. Shit.


we fly
in the heavens
wingtip to wingtip
seeking fantasies
the visceral
the erotic
the mundane
clouds of joy
joined by our dreams

we glide
our shared collection
building the
clouds higher
pampering our love

we soar
the moist coolness
of the clouds
envelops us
making it real


the caged guinea pigs
of our minds
spin their wheels
spreading away
the wisps of cloud

we fall
reaching out
grasping in vain
passing our creations
quickly disappearing
clouds of love

we land
two feet on solid ground
our dreams
a faint memory


She woke with a cold sweat hoping it was not a dream.

It was all so real, the sight of him smiling, so endearing, so loving.

She could have sworn she felt the warmth of his skin.

The touch of his lips against hers.

Him wrapping his arms around her, him breathing softly her favorite words “Hey Baby..” as she nuzzled into him, the safeness she can never forget.

Yet looking upon his made up side of her bed and the coldness of his ring on the necklace on her chest, she knew this dream was still her nightmare instead…


Peoples of Earth and Crustitia, I know it was a long war and we are rebuilding after hard times
but I have a dream a dream that some day Humans and the lobster people of Crustitia will stand
hands and claws together thinking of each other as friend instead of delicious.
As we were fighting each other and consuming each other…I mean consuming each other’s
resources other powers have become way too strong.
I have a dream that we fight side by side and not only defeat the Space Turtles’ planet but
eventually our biggest menace Planet Z


Unlike Norval Joe I write my stories in the bath tub, but like Norval Joe (and who wouldn’t) I always go with the first thing that pops into my head, which can be quite painful if it is through the frontal lopes or inner ear. The second thing I do first is choose the music for the sound bed I like to do that in, well, bed. This week I could use Sweet Dreams or Dreamer, Dream a Little Dream of Me, or Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream or I Dream of Jenny, How many words was that?


Martin caught a flash of red hair as the girl ducked into the Topkapi.
She pulled her hoodie up, shifting her oversized yellow purse to the
outside and crossing to a Hot Topic to watch him pass. She pulled the
blue wig from her bag and shed the hoodie, luxuriating in the A/C across
her naked shoulders and haltertop as she slinked along behind him. He
stopped, and she caught up with him. “Sarah?” he asked, handing her
an I.D. “I thought that was you,” he said to the girl of his dreams.
“You dropped this about three looks back.”

Norval Joe

Fly Paper boy felt more like an animal in a trap than a passenger in a limousine. Esmerelda Flinch, Vice President of marketing at the Women’s Trade Federation, smiled with straight, pearly teeth from across the compartment. The was no humor in her eyes.
“I’ll have a team of the best lawyers in the state make light work of your case,” she told the boy. “In your wildest dreams, you or your parents couldn’t afford such talent.”
“I have a feeling the WTF will make me pay some other way,” Fly Paper boy said, cynically.
Suddenly Esmerelda’s eyes did smile.

Daniel W.

“Okay, back up a sec,” I said, feeling a headache coming on. “Explain that one again…”

“They’re metaphysical parasites that latch on to dreams and feed on imagination.”

“And that’s why people are becoming more apathetic?”

“Yes. As they become less imaginative, they also become more complacent. The government has truly created the perfect tool for controlling the masses.”

My headache just kept getting worse as I tried to understand the concept. Metaphysical parasites? What?

“Hell, if those infected try to think outside the parasites’ preprogrammed parameters, they’ll just get a massive headache that forces them to stop.”

Planet Z

One company developed a system that broadcasted signals into people’s dreams. They used it to put advertisements in there, much like product placement in the movies.

Another company developed a system that acted as a dream wiretap. They used it to sense what people wanted or worried about, then target them with ads based that information.

Both companies got bought out by an evil billionaire, and their systems were combined into a global mind-control ray.

A certain British spy tried to stop him, but instead of telling him about his plan, he shot the spy.

He was evil, not stupid.

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