Last Call

Joe’s retirement “party” is at the corner bar.
Years of experience catching serial killers, gone to budget cuts.
It was either retire or get fired.
Everybody’s here. Even the goddamned beancounters.
“There was one I never caught,” says Joe. “The Lifetime Supply Killer.”
I remember that case. Guy would send his victims a box of poisoned chocolate bars, telling them they won a lifetime supply of chocolate.
“Kinda funny, really,” said Joe.
The Director calls for a toast. We raise our glasses.
Joe stops me. “It’s a lifetime supply of champagne,” he whispers.
“To Joe!” everyone says.
And he drinks.

One thought on “Last Call”

  1. Last Call
    By Jeff Hite

    “Last call for Cabo da Roca and points west.”
    “How can you have points west of Cabo da Roca, it is the western most point of Europe.”
    “Well Europe is not the end of the world.”
    “No It is not, but…”
    “Columbus proved the world was round, technically that was Galileo he did that experiment with the wells, but Columbus was the one who first really tested it, I digress. Cabo da Roca isn’t the furthest point west, in fact if you go around the world going west you might just end up right back here.”
    “Fine, here’s my ticket.”

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