The Speed Of Pie And Ice Cream

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, that’s why you see lightning before you hear thunder.
Dr. Fred Beamer’s spent his whole life researching this phenomenon.
Well, he was supposed to be researching it.
I looked through his file and found that he’d expensed years of meals at a local diner to the university.
“What?” Dr. Fred said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “I thought I was supposed to be researching pie and ice cream.”
He got me added to his grant. And if you keep quiet, he’ll add you, too.
Now try the blueberry.

One thought on “The Speed Of Pie And Ice Cream”

  1. The Speed of Pie and Ice Cream

    I once had someone one ask me what the speed of light was, the answer is one. It is always one. One foot per nanosecond. It is not exact, but at that kind of measurement who is really counting. Besides, if you were going to do any real calculations with it you would need to convert everything else from meters to feet and nanoseconds. And since there are 3.28 feet per meter, it makes the other numbers kind of messy. But if you want to bet your friends for some pie and ice cream, one is a good number.

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