
The Devil can quote scripture to suit his own purposes, but not after Disney released their Bible movie.
“You can’t copyright the Bible!” howled The Devil.
“You’re quoting the characters in our movie,” said the lawyers. “And that getup with the horns and the tail… that’s a close likeness to the Mr. Scratch character.”
Despite his best efforts and the assistance of Daniel Webster, The Devil lost.
He grumbled, and then realized… searching… searching…
He tore up his contract with Michael Eisner.
“Suck it!” he laughed, turning on CNBC to watch the carnage.

One thought on “Likeness”

  1. Likeness
    By Jeff Hite

    “Well sure it looks like her, that is the point of a portrait isn’t it?”
    “I don’t know Jim, I just don’t know that this is a good idea.”
    “To be honest Tom I don’t care if you think it is a good Idea or not. What I want to know is if it is a good likeness of her.”
    “It is a good likeness alright, too good if you ask me. I mean really did you have to draw all the fangs?”
    “Of course I did… Wait did her eyes just twitch? I think she is look at you.”

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