
Clark Kent asked Jimmy Olsen about a good sturdy camera that would stand up to travel.
“Oh, one like mine,” said Jimmy, handing Clark his spare.
Clark developed his own shots, framed a few.
Typical Metropolis street scenes. Sunsets. Lois smirking.
Clark eventually bought his own, returned Jimmy’s camera.
Jimmy saw that Clark had left some film in there, but he didn’t want to bother him, so he developed it himself.
The Eiffel Tower? The Grand Canyon?
On the same roll?
Jimmy fainted as the final shot on the roll appeared through the developer’s solution.
The whole earth. From space.


Perry White called Clark Kent into his office and handed him a smartphone.
“Use this to tweet and facebook,” said Perry. “All that new stuff.”
“Um, how do I do that?” stammered Kent.
“Read the fucking manual,” said Perry. “Lois figured it out, so do it!”
Jimmy Olsen helped Clark set it all up: signing up for accounts, friending people, and testing the camera.
Everything went great, until someone noticed the GPS tags.
From Paris to Metropolis in 20 minutes?
“Um, someone hacked my password?” stammered Clark.
“At least you didn’t tweet your dick like that Weiner guy,” said Lois.