
I love making towers out of soup crackers.
The trick is to mush up some crackers in the soup to make a mortar.
Not too dry, or they won’t stick and the tower won’t stand up.
And not too wet, or it will soak the crackers in the tower and threaten the structural stability.
You’ve got to get the mortar just right, and there’s such a small window in which you can use it before it dries up.
The type of soup’s important, too.
Tomato’s good.
So is French Onion, but I think that using the gooey cheese is cheating.

One thought on “Tower”

  1. Laurence, I’ll bet you were the kind of kid that actually picked something Interesting to talk about in speech class.
    I like this. Makes me think about the way my brother would ball up his bread into doughy balls before he ate it.

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