A Calendar Of Nobles


It is the first of the month, and the Archduke of Junius is refusing to abdicate to his brother, Baron Von Quintilis.
Armies are dispatched, and in Quintillis’ defeat, a distant cousin steals the crown for himself.
Lord Julius laughs from his throne for thirty days, but when he wearies of power, hands the crown off to his uncle Augustus, not the rightful heir in the County of Sextilis.
The war rages on, and the nobility worries for the loss of life and riches.
An agreement is reached, and the Earl of September raises his scepter to forgive all involved.

Clown Pirates


Long ago, I sailed the seven seas, and the winds flew through my hair.
I wasn’t much of a sailor and neither was my crew. We became shipwrecked on The Island Of The Clown Pirates.
It would have been paradise if it hadn’t have been for the balloon animal parrots, big floppy peglegs, and a crazy rowboat that almost a hundred of them climbed out of, one by one.
They had no swords, but every one of them could hurl a wicked custard pie.
So, we decided to join them.
The winds now fly through my gigantic red fright wig.

Did we deserve that, Gus?


Gus is the Punishment Officer in our neighborhood.
Every neighborhood has a punishment officer. Ours is Gus.
Do something bad, and Gus will punish you.
He enjoys punishing people.
He has keys to every door in every house so you can’t keep him out.
He has night-vision goggles so you can’t hide from him.
His dog Wilbur can sniff you out from a block away.
But he can’t get to us here, in my treehouse fortress.
We’re sealed in from the outside world.
There’s nothing he can do but…
What’s that noise? Do you hear a chainsaw?
Damn that Gus!

Headache vs. Toothache


So, you have a headache and I have a toothache.
Which one is worse?
I’m sure your headache is pretty bad, but headaches are better than toothaches, I think.
Toothaches often require weird people called dentists with some expertise in dentistry to resolve. They use large metal things with lots of sharp edges to stop the toothaches. Or they just poke and prod and jab for a while and then take a mold or two, saying you need to come back in tomorrow for more.
Then the bill arrives, your insurance company turns down the claim, and you get headaches.

With every lick


How many licks does it take to get to the center of this lollipop?
Thanks to the replenishment spell on my tongue, the number is infinite.
With every lick, I restore what I have licked away.
Sure, it was painful to tattoo the sigils on my tongue, but I think it was well worth it.
The problem is, in casting the spell, my tongue has lost all sense of taste.
It’s like licking a marble on a stick now. Candy has lost all appeal.
I mean Candy, my apprentice.
She may enjoy it, but I’m left out in the cold.

Weekly Challenge #172 – The Walls Shuddered


Welcome to the Weekly Challenge Number One Hundred And Seventy-Two, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was… was…. um…
It’s The Walls Shuddered.
The excellent theme music is by Guy David

Which were the best stories this week?
Lynda from http://sisterpepperspray.blogspot.com/
Anima from http://zabbadabba.com/
Justin from http://www.thespaceturtle.com/
Jeff from http://greathites.blogspot.com/
Guy David from http://www.guydavid.com/
Norval Joe from http://www.norvalsoutlook.blogspot.com/
TJ from http://tjaman.libsyn.net/
Planet Z
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Go ahead and listen to them and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):


The walls shuddered at the thought of the realtor. What had that hussy said? It would be best to raze the house, and start over? Damn her eyes.
Certainly, it would be wonderful to be polished and primped, like before. Then, She had been swathed in brilliant jewel toned paints, and sported stained glass, marbled front steps and gas lamps. She and her sisters had been the talk of the town. Now she stood alone, windows boarded over, gingerbread broken, porches swayed back: a faded granddame among a sea of prefabs and student tenements.
The once proud painted lady wept.


Only two designers remained. For weeks every kind of degradation had been inflicted on the false walls of studio 7, from kitschy mirrors to neon animal prints, the wooden framework and sheetrock thought they’d felt it all.
When hobo chic was announced as the theme that would decide the champion, the vivacious male designer rushed off to collect every old newspaper in the building, while the grim art school girl merely announced she’d be creating eye-catching patterns using an assortment of urines.
As newspaper was torn and squirt guns were filled under the harsh spotlights, the walls shuddered imperceptibly.

Steve Y.

The walls shuddered as the zombies surged through the narrow channels, arms flailing against the old wooden walls as they charged mindlessly towards the bait. The survivors ran back and forth as fast as they could, hauling the contraption’s heavy ropes back and forth to keep it moving. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, the blue team managed to synchronize their efforts, leading their zombies into position to deflect a shot and knock the medicine ball into the opposing goal. It had taken quite a lot of resources to organize Zombie Foosball, but it was totally worth it.


I sat down on a bar stool in the greasy spoon. I looked at the chalked menu board and decided on The Frankenstein Burger. Half pound of burger with a slab of ham, and slathered in avocado, lettuce, pickles. Munster cheese melted down over all of it. Heaped beside it all were steak fries, which I drowned in catchup. I eat it a tasty bite at a time, savoring the flavor. I downed it all with root beer. I was back on the road with the radio tuned to Rascal Splats when the walls of my bowels began to quiver.


The walls, they did Shake
It was not every day that you got to see something like this so Jack stood feet rooted to the ground starring, despite the obvious danger to life and limb. He had never seen anything like it, and if he thought about it he would probably would never see anything like it again. The walls were bleeding at the 53rd Precinct, and he had no explanation. He thought that he had seen every form of combustion known to man, this was something new. Then the roof exploded, and out shot, but what was it? it was time to call someone.


I was told there would be days like this. My mother was right!
It started three days ago. Don’t know where it came from, but one day in the meeting room at work, the walls shuddered. It actually happened twice, but the first time, nobody seemed to notice.
And then again last night, standing in the frozen food aisle, standing amid some senior citizens, the walls shuddered. You wouldn’t believe the panic and chaos that exploded after that.
I believe it’s over now. There was one more shudder a few minutes ago, but I think I’m safe now. My job is done here.

Guy David

The saying used to go “on the internet nobody knows you’re a dog”. This is not the case anymore, which is why I wasn’t surprised when the walls shuddered and the secret police stepped in. It was a risk any hacker of my caliber is always prepared for. I quickly took out the can and sprayed them with my special virus. They froze in place like so many statues. My government’s decision to replace all of the police force with robots was something I always approved of. I quickly packed everything and left the private room at the internet café.

Norval Joe

Two French explorers struck out from Cape Town with a band of bush men. The leader of the band of bush men divided the supplies and spoke to his fellows in a language of clicks.
Each of the band carried a long spear to fend against large animals.
Pierre Le Roux smiled at his companion Henry De Wallis. “There may be lions about, but it is the snakes that will kill you.
One morning Henry awoke to find his companion dead, his body bloated from the poisonous bite of a Cape Cobra.
Sickened by the sight, Henry Du Wallis shuddered.


Pietro countered the “less is more” aesthete with ornamentation reminiscent of Versailles, challenged the expectations of the cognoscenti, and in defiance of everything appropriate, crammed his palette with influences ranging from ’50s kitsch, plastic lawn flamingos, velvet Elvises, dogs playing poker — a celebration of chintz like nothing so much as a rummage sale in a John Waters film.
So why did they call him in to redecorate their daughter’s room while she was visiting Mexico? Who knows? All anyone knew for sure was as Pietro approached with armloads of fuschia pinatas and gaily colored sombreri, indeed, the very walls shuddered.

Planet Z

He’s four hundred pounds. She’s even bigger.
They live upstairs.
Every night, half a ton of sweaty, sloppy sex rocks their bed and hammers the floor like an angry army of screaming Vikings.
The plaster falls. The walls shudder.
They only stop when the pizza guy arrives.
Two large pizzas each, and a sixpack of diet Coke.
Five minutes later, when they’re done with dinner, they’re back at it.
For a while, I’d practice the tuba while they did it. Baby Elephant Walk.
The phone rang.
They had called to invite me upstairs to play for them while they… ewwwwwwwwww.

The Ex


The second-longest wait is from the time you issue a Reboot command to the time your bridebot opens her eyes and sees you for the first time as her husband.
The glint in her eye, the look on her face… it affects everything she says and does.
The longest wait is, of course, when you reverse the firmware flash for the divorce to take effect.
Usually, the glint and the look are long gone by then.
The memories remain, though, which is why it’s best to do a seven-pass erase procedure before recycling any bridebot.
Exes suck, especially metal ones.

Mr. Twelve


On either end of the table, Mister Midnight sat.
One was a man in a cloak with a silver hourglass.
The other wore a zoot guit, tapping a silver cane.
Neither worked with The League Of Heroes, so they weren’t on the registry that prevents these situations.
Their lawyers drafted up an agreement, trying to avoid a embarrassing superhero fight.
“What if neither of you were Mister Midnight?” they suggested. “You be The Dark Hourglass, and you’re After Hours.”
The heroes thought, smiled, and shook hands.
The lawyers got the papers signed and returned to The League of Evil headquarters.



Try as you might, perfection never lasts.
The moment you come close to perfection, the imperfections stand out in contrast so clearly.
That makes it easier to find and remove them, and makes the remaining imperfections stand out even more clearly.
The knife is steady, but the flesh resists. One final flaw, and this girl will be the pinnacle of existence.
I put the knife down. I will not cut.
No, there will be no scar. I don’t need lasers like others do, but my work is always perfect.
Perfection, averted twice, laughs and hides in the shadows once again.

The Candy Prince


The Candy Price sits on his chocolate bunny, watching the troops walk past.
His lemondrop eyes glisten in admiration of his army.
“March, my men!” he cheers, and the army raises a shout.
A gumdrop button falls from his Marzipan coat. He has been outside for too long today.
He returns to his palace, inspecting his frosting hair in the mirror.
“I am coming apart!” he cries to his butler. “Help me!”
He tries to change suits, but feels something snap.
The chef-surgeon arrives, but shakes his head.
“So, how do you feel about being The Candy Princess?” he offers.