Vampire Insurance


Some guy at a garlic processing plant claimed to have been bitten by a vampire and turned into one of them, on his disability claim form.
We suggested that he change to the night shift. You know, because that way he’d stay out of the sun.
Not good enough, he said. Vampires hate garlic at any time of the day, it seems.
So we asked him to prove that he’s a vampire. Turning into a bat or a vapor cloud or something like that. Not giving a reflection would be good enough for us, too.
Claimants can be such bloodsuckers.

Elevator Angst


I used to be deathly afraid of elevators. I’d look down the gap between the elevator floor and the building floor and worry I’d fall through that crack.
I had nightmares about the bottom of the elevator shaft. I’d wake up in a cold sweat, screaming.
The doctors couldn’t help me. I kept thinking about that dark, bottomless pit.
One day, an elevator supervisor took me to a panel at the bottom of the elevator shaft. He opened it and showed me that the bottom of the shaft was strewn with candy and dimes.
I feel so much better now.



Andrew Ian Dodge has a new toy…

It has been a long time coming; but I finally have come round to the joys of handheld consoles. I have tried a few in the past and was left unimpressed. Well my new black PSP has put this all to one side. One awesome piece of kit. I can store my music (yes the stuff I wrote, heh) and music videos on there, watch movies and even take a look at blogs. I have one game for the system so far; Burnout and boy it’s damn good fun. Sony have delivered a device that is great fun and useful.

Do You Have Wars?


Communication between the dimensions via hyperradio has been severely limited despite centuries of development. Brief messages, rotated ninety degrees from reality like passing notes in school.
Which is what it was used for in the end – grade school penpal projects.
After years of “Do you have a dog?” and “I like flowers.” the notes stopped. The last message to arrive was:
“Do you have wars?”
And that was it. Nothing else. Just hyperstatic.
As dull as they were, we will sure miss the daily chatter with those Earthers.
I think I’ll get the class a pet to raise tomorrow.

Heaven 101


The first few months in Heaven are anything but. It’s an Eternity when you’re in Halo Manners 101, learning the proper brightness, angle, circumference, and elevation of your halo.
Then there’s Flying School. You might think you’ve been flying forever, but they still need to teach you the Rules Of The Sky.
Unless you played a Lyre during your mortal days, not only do you get to learn fingering and strumming technique for a year, but also have to master tuning the darn thing.
Here in Hell, once you have your horns and pitchfork, you’re on your own.
Happy hunting!

Red Ken Again


Andrew Ian Dodge takes aim at his favorite target in London again…

“Chiselling little crook” is the term Ken used to describe the new American Ambassador on yesterday’s London ITV news. Well at least he didn’t call him a filthy Jew or something similar. This time he only displayed his hatred for Americans. Why is he being so vile you ask? If he needs an excuse that Ken…you see the American Embassy, like most embassies, don’t believe they should have to pay Ken’s idiotic congestion charge. Oh yes and there is litigation on-going that might have encouraged someone with a brain to keep schtum. America’s attornies are pleased at his latest outburst.



Andrew Ian Dodge tells a tale of a night at the pub.

As I sit here in this local bar with my buddie John I watch him eyeing up the piano in the corner with ill intent. He peers over his pint and Evening Standard itching to hop on the piano to play out a tune. The drinkers and smokers in this pub have no idea they are the subjects of a new song about their time here. They while away the time until chucking out time oblivious to their new found fame. While I feign reading I contemplate how the village will take our latest effort ‘Whisky & Westminster”. John rises…

Stay up late


I’m up later than usual, sitting in my leather chair with a blanket over my legs.
Piper is purring under the blanket at my feet. Every now and then she chirps out a musical note and goes back to purring.
Nardo is under the rocking chair, tucked up with his eyes almost completely closed.
Both of them are waiting for me to go to bed. But there are some things I need to finish up before I can shut the computer down and crawl under the covers.
A few more words…
There. Finished.
Record it, post it, and good night.



Andrew Ian Dodge fills us in on his medical adventures…

I went to the David Beckham Academy: Medical Centre today and a brilliant bloke named Pete took a look at my hurtin calve. He then told me what was wrong with it and gave me an excellent training routine to make sure it heals properly. If you got a injury that involves any type of skeletal condition head to them. I can highly recommend the staff at the Medical Centre. And hey, whether you are a footie fan or not, its kind of neat to think that the bloke working on your leg uses his skills on David Beckham as well.

London Rally


For pictures of the rally, go to Andrew’s Web Site:

The London rally went rather well; about 1000 people showed up to express their distaste for those who attack free expression. No doubt the complete lack of possibility of a riot made it rather uninteresting for the MSM and it was rather damp. The only bit of controversy was the fact that a few people showed up with Danish flags and those infamous Mohammed Cartoons. This was against the wishes of the organisers. Lots of police were there take photos of the rabble-rousers. Various political factions attended. You can find a link to shots of the rally at my blog.