
I keep the bathroom scale under the sink.
It’s one of those expensive scales that measures body fat and blood pressure and all that stuff. Tracks your progress on the Internet, too.
Well, every so often, my littlest cat likes to walk into the bathroom, pull down the hanging towels, and she then stands on the scale.
Ten pounds.
“Who’s a happy little kitty?” I ask her.
She arches her back, ears twitching, and blinks happily at me.
Meanwhile, the scale talks to Weight Watchers, and at the end of the week, my chart is a wacky series of spikes.

One thought on “Scale”

  1. Love cats. Not very nice natured things, really, but so intelligent and so funny. My Penny was outsize when I got her and she eats like a horse now. Had to have her shaved when her fur became matted, but tiptop now.

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