George’s Imagination

George was a pirate, but he wasn’t a very good pirate.
He suffered from an overactive imagination.
“Is there anything you can do?” he asked his doctor.
“You could have it taken out,” said the doctor. “But it’s expensive.”
George agreed, and they set an appointment with a surgeon.
“Now count to ten,” said the anesthesiologist as he put a gas mask on George’s face.
When George woke up, he felt the bandage on his head.
The doctor gave George a simple imagination test, and George failed it with flying colors.
He proudly keeps the empty jar on a shelf.

One thought on “George’s Imagination”

  1. “He suffered from an overactive imagination.”
    You sure it was the “he” and not you?
    In political circles we call this dysfunction projectivism. Accusing others of your very own behaviour and problems.

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