Weekly Challenge #955 – Cat’s Pajamas

The next topic is Rose


With red pizza pattern

They used to be my pajamas, now they are the Cat’s pajamas. They were a goodwill purchase ages ago. I think it’s the color that alph-cat is drawn to. If the basket lingers for a mere moment the cat will dig down to the pizza pajamas. It isn’t good enough to be on the pajamas, the cat must be inside of one leg, while her head is poking out. When caught she eyeballs me back with an expression of “So”. Total ownership. When I am wearing said evening wear the cat will glide past a leg and thwack my ankle.


Billbert’s mother looked at the clock. “Oh. It’s late. Go get Sabrina my pajamas and show her to the guest room.”
Rummaging through his mother’s dresser, Billbert found some PJs with cats on them. “You like cats, don’t you?”
Billbert gave her the pajamas and pointed down the passage. “The guest room is next to mine.”
Sabrina didn’t move. “You don’t seem very happy to have me here.”
Billbert shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never had a girl staying in our house; especially a girl who’s a friend.”
Sabrina frowned. “Would it be any different if I were a boy?”


“The Cat’s Pajamas” was the name of the play. It involved a man pretending to play the piano on a rock plateau surrounded by water while the audience tried to reach him. They had to climb over rocks, slide on their butts, dodge rolling boulders, till they reached the water level. Most were taken to hospital with broken limbs. Several ended up in the morgue. And one managed to overcome all the hurdles. He got a certificate with a neat little stamp and a ribbon. Was there any music, the media asked. Ahm, nope, none whatsoever. Just wackos, many wackos.


We’re not completely evil you know.
Certainly we get a bad press, and I’ll be first to admit we deserve most of it, but we do have a good side. It’s just that most people never get to see it.
Why else would we choose cats to be our familiars?
You’d imagine rats or lizards, or even spiders would be more appropriate?
But we prefer cats, because even witches like cuddles and cuteness from time to time.
I even made mine special cats’ pajamas, because she gets cold at night.
And I’m far too stingy to put the heating on.


Animal Instincts
She thought she was the cat’s pajamas, the bee’s knees, and the dog’s… well, you know the expression.
The fact is, with all that morphine sloshing around inside her system, you could have told her she was the monkey’s uncle, and she’d believe you.
It was amusing, both for her and for us spending long hours at her bedside, and it took everyone’s minds off the pain.
Thankfully, neither the pain, nor the idiocy lasted, and eventually, she was nursed back to full health.
Not entirely a good thing, unfortunately.
Now, she behaves like a bear with a sore head.


Every few days, the cats change their sleeping spots.
I’ve tried heated cat beds before, but neither cat used them.
Instead, they’d choose a shoe box, or under a pillow on the bed, or on a blanket in the reading room.
Laundry baskets are a frequent selection. Especially when there’s soft things to shed all over.
It’s all going in the wash anyway, right?
Except that shed cat hair clogs up the lint trap or gets all over everything like a shredded kleenex left in a pocket.
And keep the dryer closed.
To keep the cats from sleeping in there.