The detective was waiting for a “person of Interest” and the plane was late. The Detective was
called Dan Dan the Art Man ever since his investigation led him to recover the stolen Scream
portrait because of knowledge he gained as an art fancier. His fellow detectives counted on him
to get the answer to the question they really wanted the man to answer.
After getting off the plane the man picked his bag off the luggage carousel. Dan showed the
man his badge then took the man aside and said “How do you, Tom, Write a 100 word story?”
3 thoughts on “How does Zackmann write a 100 word story?”
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I am flattered to be used as a character in your awesome 100 word story. Thanks for pointing me over here on twitter!
I guess it doesn’t really count as how but it was the though going threw my head when I listened to My Last Day
Tom’s direction about the sandwich keep coming up on my Sansa Player. I know my cats are somehow responsible but I don’t understand since my cat doesn’t like olives.
Awesome, and thank you so much for listening to my story! Your cat sounds like the one in my story “The Last Butterscotch” :) Pressing buttons and changing things on devices.