
Scientists made a list of Earth-like exoplanets.
The first set of seeder pods full of colonizing bacteria were ready when the meteorites began to fall into the ocean.
Strange energy signals rose from the depths, and algae started to assemble into vegetable-based manufacturing centers, spewing plant-based exploration tendrils.
We tried to stop them. A few hundred nukes later, we thought the invaders were defeated.
They weren’t. The battle raged on for years before we finally won.
Still, one day, the plants and vegetables might rise again.
And that’s why you need to mow the lawn and eat your lima beans.

2 thoughts on “Exoplanet”

  1. Exoplanet
    By Jeff Hite

    “The Idea of exoplanets is so cool don’t you think?”
    “I don’t know Betty, I mean it is neat that there are other planets out there, but what good are they going to do us?”
    “Come on Jed use your imagination. What kind of life could be out there?”
    “I’m using my imagination, and I can see some pretty strange life right here. I mean have you ever been to L.A. or what about West Mineral Kansas, those folks are weird with that giant digging machine.”
    “It is called Big Brutus and I think it is kind of cool.”

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