Separate Volume

It started when the Oxford English Dictionary created a separate volume for epithets, slurs, and “dirty” words.
Some words were moved from their main volumes to the “ghetto” volume without much fuss, such as “nigger” and “faggot” but others were debated heavily before their demotion.
The collection grew from a pamphlet to a booklet, then a book, and eventually outweighed the main set.
The Polite Laws are next. The segregation of words are to be enforced in public.
Maybe even private, depending on how effective the public ban is.
Me, I think censorship of words censors ideas.
Fuck that noise.

One thought on “Separate Volume”

  1. Separate Volume a 100 word story
    by Jeff Hite

    “It is with a heavy heart and and pitiful spirit that I bring you the news today. They have decided to split our work into two volumes.” The crowd gathered in front of him began to murmur, he knew he had to get it under control or there would be chaos.
    “Please, everyone settle down. We already have dividers within the group, we will just need to further subdivide. We have to keep the separate volumes untied as one. Though they will be divided we must not be. Day and night must not be divided, we will not be twilight.

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