Hole in the ground

Bobby wanted to dig a hole to China.
His mother said it couldn’t be done.
So, instead of digging to China, he dug a hole to Hell.
That wasn’t so hard to do, really. Just took him a few minutes dripping some blood from his fingertip on to his trowel.
The trowel bit into the dirt, drew out a clump, and a large blast of fire and heat exploded from the back yard.
Bobby, his mother, and the house vanished instantly.
After a day of infernal madness, the government sealed off the block and said “It’s just a gas leak.”

2 thoughts on “Hole in the ground”

  1. Hole in the Ground
    By Jeff Hite

    “Tim you said this place was a hole in the wall, I didn’t really think you were serious. This place is a real hole.”
    “Yeah, it is a bit, but man they serve the best fires here.”
    “Excuse me miss.” A man in a apron said standing next to their table.
    “Well you said that this place was a hole in the wall. I am the owner and I take exception to that.”
    “I didn’t mean insult you, I”
    “Since it is actually below ground, it is a hole in the ground. I would appreciate you getting it right.”

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