The Skye’s The Limit

He was a music prodigy. Played from the time he was three.
Guitar. Piano.
He could sing, too.
He loved to go out and perform, and folks said “You’re going places.”
It was a shame when he got sick and couldn’t gig anymore.
So, he played his music on the Internet.
Folks around the world got to enjoy him, and they posted YouTubes of his music, bringing in more fans.
When he got better and record labels came calling, he said “Thank you. I’ll never forget you.”
Neither did the lawyers, as the copyright takedown notices spread around the net.

3 thoughts on “The Skye’s The Limit”

  1. Interesting stories.

    In some of them I found something meaningfull for me.
    Perhaps I could be join “The Order Of Saint Bactine”. Anyhow I believe that there is quite a difference between them and me. So I will lead my own way.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Vojko J. Kalan

  2. I like the format of 100 word stories, creativity can be found through restrictions, And everyone can use help writing better. Even writers!

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