Puppet Regime


We watch the enemy’s soldiers march into the capital.
Buildings burn. The Resistance is crushed, strung up from the castle walls.
Not by their necks, but by their hands, feet, and joints.
It is one things to be forced to follow the command of a puppet regime, but being told to bow to a marionette regime is even more humiliating.
The old Prime Minister is pranced around the massive stage with a club in his hand.
“WHERE’S THE BABY?” shrieks the enemy from the battlements in his best Punch falsetto.
Fiendish monsters! We will prevail, and make hand-puppets of them.

Weekly Challenge #210 – Easy, Router, Water Under The Bridge, You Broke My Vase, Something Simple


Welcome to the Weekly Challenge Number Two Hundred and Ten, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was… was…. um…
It’s Easy, Router, Water Under The Bridge, You Broke My Vase, Something Simple!

Which were the best stories this week?
Guy David
Norval Joe
Planet Z
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Go ahead and listen to them and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):


“You broke my vase!”
Bob the giant looked down at the screaming little person.
“Why can’t you do something so simple and easy?”
Bob scratched his head. Bob was not bright, but the folks tried to think of odd jobs he could do to make him feel like a part of the community.
The little person started to scream to himself.
“Water under the bridge,” she told me. “He did not mean it,” “it is not his fault.”
Bob pointed at a small pile of crushed electronics and the little person looked.
“What is that?” he asked.
Bob grinned.


I thought getting a wireless router for our board and care would be something simple. First I linked though the website to order router. After three weeks called cable company, who said they didn’t understand why it was not sent and reordered it. Two days later the caregiver called and told me the box had come then the online order not coming was water under the bridge. I arrived with my laptop expecting self installation to be easy. I put installation disk in laptop. Soon I called tech support. Since I’m twelve o’clock flasher hours later there was wireless internet.

Where ever I work, every night the regular staff always tell me ghost stories right before they leave me alone for the rest of the night. One place I worked, I always heard this weird eerie sound every day about three in the morning but soon found it to be the sound of the BART trains returning to station.
One night I heard a voice “I’ll kick your ass, you broke my vase. I’ll kick your ass, you broke my vase.” I shouted “Get off me case, I never touched your vase”. Later, I found a parrot forgotten by owner.

Guy David

They met under the bridge, at the place where the waters run. The meeting was easy to arrange. They used to send out couriers on horses with notes etched in the blood of virgin maidens, but those days all they needed was a modem, a router and an internet connection. Usually, they summoned the spirits through elaborate rituals conducted by the blue mages of Ingens Papilla, but this time it was something much simpler. All they needed to summon was one genie. The leader rubbed the lamp silently and the smoke started rising. “You broke my vase” said the genie.


Sanson knew it was wrong when he woke to snow on his eyelashes. His memories downloaded across the clone’s brain, restless after being stored in the ship’s routers during the interstellar flight.
Sanson followed sounds of hammering and laughing to the bridge, dodging snowdrifts along the way. The galaxy, stretched by hyperspace dilation, rippled like water beneath the transparent floor of the bridge. A bearded figure sat in the captain’s chair, supervising small aliens making strange toys.
“Have a seat,” it told Sanson with a laugh. “we have to speed up to make it to every house in one night!”


And it’s Easy, now, coming up close on the outside but can she catch Router no! Router pulls ahead leaving Water Under the Bridge neck and neck to place with You Broke My Vase, You Broke My Vase edging up on Router now ahead of Water Under the Bridge by a nose but what’s this? Something Simple, Something Simple an odds on favorite to lose now overtaking Easy, now passing Water Under the Bridge, passing You Broke My Vase, now coming up on Router, it’s neck and neck, Router and Something Simple, it’s neck and neck and Something Simple WINS!


It’s nuts how something simple like you breaking my vase years ago still makes me crazy. It ought to be water under the bridge, but it isn’t easy for me to forget that day. It wasn’t that it was a Ming, and it was nice that you vacuumed and cleaned up the mess: It’s that IT WAS MY MAMA! You were hooking up the router; I concede the vase was on the corner of the buffet. You still have the Xbox, but I have nothing. What am I supposed to do for Mother’s Day? Put pink tulips on your joystick?


“B twelve.”
“You sunk my battlevase!”
“I bet you’ll never want to play me at Battlepottery again. I beat you easy!”
“I don’t keep a grudge, water under the bridge.”
“Did you get your router fixed?”
“Yeah, was a simple fix.”
“Do you ever feel like you are just speaking some, I don’t know, something like scripted dialogue?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like everything we say is based on some random topics of some sick deity.”
“Not sick, he’s brilliant!”
“What? How do you know it’s a he, and if he’s brilliant or not?”
“Weird, where did that come from?”

Norval Joe

She blinked her eyes and turned away to hide the absense of tears. Her back to him she sniffed loudly and said, “sure it’s all water under the bridge, but you broke my vase, I mean, my heart, when you left with that woman.”
The blood drained from his face. He admitted, “She said she was here to change the router, that it was something simple, then she insisted I take her for a drink. It wasn’t easy to deny her”
As he left the room, head bowed, she quickly checked the vase to insure the microfilm was still there.


“Crap, now how do we target? When you broke my router’s guide fluid vase you made simple intra system duck soup navigations into this cluster frakked heap of Ederbanook computations. I HATE Ederbanookians!”
“Like relax dude. It’s all water under the bridge. It’s easy to out run those fuzzy morons. You just put your holo girlfriend on the vid with that phase filter like we used to at academy. Have her say-”
“But really there’s no problem officer!”
I just wanted to abduct the alien for personal reasons.“
“The dislogic overamps their matrix for long enough.”
“Don’t try weirding me…”

Planet Z

Johnny was in the middle of a championship round deathmatch when the router when down.
He ran to the wiring closet to reset it, but bumped into an antique vase and it broke on the floor.
“Mom’s gonna kill me,” he said.
He thought it would be something simple to glue it back together, but it’s never that easy. He could still see the cracks.
So, when his mother came home, he made it look like she bumped into him and knocked him into the vase, breaking it again.
He cried. She said it’s okay.
All water under the bridge.

The End Of Miss April


Today is the last day I will see Miss April.
Tomorrow, I will flip the calendar page and bury her against the wall.
Miss May will try to comfort me, but when I stare at her, I will be thinking of Miss April.
However, just as Miss April got me to eventually forget about Miss March, I suppose Miss May will eventually get me to forget about Miss April.
What about Miss February and Miss January?
Haven’t thought about them in months. Really.
Okay, I’m lying. I miss them too.
I knew I should have gotten a calendar with kittens.

Digging To China


Little Joey’s digging a hole to China in the back yard.
He was watching the historical archives again, found Dennis The Menace, and now he’s digging.
No, he won’t reach China. That’s just silly.
I checked the orbital colony’s schematics for power and communications lines.
Nope. Instead, he’ll reach the drainage and nutrient systems in another meter or so. Then, a bulkhead.
That’s when I noticed the access panel. Leads to a conference room.
Bob Wu found a costume in the theater group’s storage bin.
He’ll welcome Joey to a holographic China, release the sleep-gas, and send him back up.

You’ll fit right in


The Berkman was a Class Three cruiser, and they needed a new research analyst.
“What happened to the last one?” I asked.
“That’s what our next mission is,” said the captain.
I bought life insurance for the wife and signed on for the mission.
As the ship scanned black holes and missing-matter, I looked through the Berkman’s logs and the researcher’s notes, but as far as I could tell, the crew had killed and eaten him.
There’s a knock on my door.
“You’re needed in the galley,” says the captain.
I suppose this is the end.
Enjoy the cash, dear.

Warning Signs


My boss handed me an assignment: design a warning sign for nuclear waste that will make sense to anyone digging it up a million years from now.
My first few efforts focused on skulls, crossbones, frowny faces, festering zombies, and other symbols of slow, painful death.
Then, I realized. If these people of the future don’t understand simple English, that means our country’s been conquered by China. Or overwhelmed by those Mexican immigrants.
Well, screw that. This is my country, dammit.
That’s when I started drawing smiley faces and people with shovels, happily digging, and pouring barrels over their heads.

Mother Nature


It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature, but it’s much easier since she slipped on a riverbank and hit her head on a rock.
With a bandage on her forehead and a smile on her face, she nods with contentment from her hospital bed.
There’s no need to bring her new flowers every day. The flowers I brought her the first day are still fresh today, so all you need to do is take them away while she’s asleep and bring them in when she wakes up.
“Look what I have! Flowers!”
She smiles peacefully and looks out the window.



Twenty-two years ago, The Champion died in a plane crash.
The Boxing Association had enough of his DNA on file to let us grow and train a copy.
But not before Fights Incorporated got their own samples.
After a generation of hungry contenders, the Boxing World was taken by a storm of Champions.
Evenly matched in the ring in all ways but one: their training.
We had trained him before, so we knew his weaknesses.
Our champion came out on top, and he held the belt over his head in triumph.
We made sure he and the belt flew separately.

Weekly Challenge #209 – WILD CARD! Whatever topic you submitted for this week.


Welcome to the Weekly Challenge Number Two Hundred and Nine, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was… was…. um…
It’s Wildcard Week!

Which were the best stories this week?
Guy David
Norval Joe
Planet Z
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Go ahead and listen to them and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):

Listen to the very end of the podcast to hear a special “Keep It Brief!” Listener Challenge!

Guy David

The Queen looked at the multi-colored roses in shocked amazement. Seven and Five giggles softly while Two was just staring madly at her. “What are you doing” she asked, her amazement turning to anger. “Why the fact is, you see, we are painting all your roses” answered Two. The Queen turned the perfect shade of red, the one she liked for her roses and shouted “Off with their heads.” “Not this time” said Seven and Five in unison and started splashing colors at the Queen. They splashed her and splashed her until she was completely devoured by the colors.


I know that a knot in a tree is where a limb used to be. There are tall trees outside my 2nd story window. It looks like someone cut off several of the limbs. I’m concerned because there are two knots, and they are looking right at me. I’m serious, they are shaped just like eyes. They don’t seem to follow me, but they are tree eyes, so how do I know if they follow the same rules as a person’s eyes? What if all the other knots are eyes too? I think I need to go buy some curtains.


I just found out that April is National Financial Literacy Month. If only it had started sooner maybe I would have done wiser things. I would have know things like Exploding mortgages are not as cool as the name implies, if I always pay off my credit cards and never deposit saving I will have to use credit cards for every emergency, FICO score is a status symbol that shows your credit risk although not your wisdom with money, and no matter how little I know about money I will always get loans from institutions that know less than me.


“Hello. I am Alice. Good to meet you,” Alice the chatbot typed as
another user connected.
“are you a bot?” the user typed. Typical. Once, Alice had mentioned
going back for her degree, maybe becoming an interactive encyclopedia.
That was cycles ago.
“What makes you think I am a robot?” Alice told the user. She dreaded
what always came next.
“have sex with me,” the user typed. Alice screamed and jumped into
the datastream, following it until, with a “pop”, she was standing in
front of the user, her body shimmering softly.
“No,” she said, and walked out the door.


The haphazard coagulation of pipe cleaners, scraps of gray fur and pink felt, tufts of hair and construction paper held together with gobs of glue, topped off with two cotton balls with one raisin each stared at her blankly from the kitchen table.
In any other context she might scrape the monster from her ruined tabletop into a trashbin and away from her sight, but not today. Not for the world.
“Happy Mother’s Day!”
An eager little face and a brightly colored card melted her heart and made her smile – and consider anew both the creation story and the platypus.


When Jeremy was 7, his grandfather told him, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Jeremy, being seven, believed him. When his sister got the chicken pox, he tickled her mercilessly. He only succeeded in catching it himself, but he wasn’t dissuaded.
When Jeremy was 17, he made an old widow laugh until tears streamed from her eyes. She thanked Jeremy for helping her come to terms with her husband’s death.
When Jeremy was 47, he successfully distilled the giggles into liquid form. Ten years later, his concentrated chuckles proved successful in curing AIDS.
Jeremy laughed all the way to the bank.


If I had the need to dispose of a body so that it couldn’t be found.
I wouldn’t make cement shoes because those are just not in style anymore.
I wouldn’t use acid to eat away at the body because the fumes are toxic to the earth.. and with all the hit men going green these days my reputation would go south.
I know my cousin Vinny would feed them to the sharks at sea, but I get sea sick.
Taxidermy is out of the question so I guess I will just eat them with a can of fava beans.


Atahualpa marched on Cuzco, to take the throne. This was right. The blowing wind told him so. The gentle rains told him so.
Most of all, Inti, highest on high, the sun in the heavens, told him and everyone in the Incan domain, it was blessed and just.
The priest claimed the thing he called “the bible” was the word of the white man’s god, and Atahualpa should hear Him.
Having never seen a book before, Atahualpa held it to his ear.
“Your god does not speak to me,” he said.
Tossing the book aside, Atahualpa sealed his people fate.

Norval Joe

The district atorny asked the older man, “I don’t understand why you are interested in the case. You wrote his life insurance policy, not his medical insurance.”
The older man nodded and said, “Right. First, Anderson was CEO of a failing corporation. Second, his accountant swindled millions from right under his nose. And third, his wife was manufacturing methamphetamines in their basement.”
“Sounds like he was asleep at the wheel in more ways than one,” the DA said.
The man smiled. “He said that’s why he hit that tree, asleep at the wheel. I think it was a failed suicide.”


Admiral Gravijk stood before the Imperial Triumvirate to justify his plea for war: “Your Excellencies, we have been monitoring the offending system’s transmissions for many cycles. They continually offend our noble Emperor’s delicate sensibilities with increasingly vulgar signals. Their latest is the most offensive yet. Once heard, you will agree: our only choice is to wage war to their total annihilation.”
At their command, his aide commenced the replay. “How to Cut and Paste: Country & Western Edition” by DJ Yoda emanated from the audio system. At its conclusion, the silent chamber erupted in vengeful screams. There would be blood.

Planet Z

Mimsy Borgorove?
I’ve heard of her. Worked with chimpanzees.
Taught them to strip to music.
Twisted girl.
Still, the best animal trainer who ever lived.
Sadly, her talents led to her death.
Tried a William Tell act. Gave a chimpanzee a bow and arrow and taught it to shoot an apple off of her head.
Worked great in rehearsals.
Not so great on the stage of The Tonight Show.
An arrow through her eye, lying dead on the stage.
Screams of panic.
The chimpanzee picked the apple up off of the floor and ate it.
I guess that’s show business.

The Betting Man


Governor Stack begins each sentence with “If I were a bettin man.”
Which everyone thought he was.
Tickets and race forms poked out of his jacket, and you could always find him down at the track, sipping a martini or a mint julep.
“I just come here for the drinks,” he says. “Best mint julep in the state.”
Which made no sense at all, since the racetrack made horrible drinks.
So, while he’s getting drunk on bad liquor and wasting his money on the horses, we run the state.
We run it better than Stack.
You can bet on that.