The Candy Prince


The Candy Price sits on his chocolate bunny, watching the troops walk past.
His lemondrop eyes glisten in admiration of his army.
“March, my men!” he cheers, and the army raises a shout.
A gumdrop button falls from his Marzipan coat. He has been outside for too long today.
He returns to his palace, inspecting his frosting hair in the mirror.
“I am coming apart!” he cries to his butler. “Help me!”
He tries to change suits, but feels something snap.
The chef-surgeon arrives, but shakes his head.
“So, how do you feel about being The Candy Princess?” he offers.

Crime In E Minor


The detective looks at the body and says “Round up every violinist.”
He is holding a smashed instrument, and his conclusions would be sound if he were correct about one thing: that is a viola, not a violin.
They dust it for fingerprints… none at all.
I wore gloves, you see.
Yes, it was me, dear reader. I am the murderer.
And that is my viola.
The violinists come in, one after the other, but each has an alibi.
It is a year later, he is no closer to solving the case.
Because my new viola thirsts for blood.

Unmaking Plans


We spent our lives together, always making plans.
We planned to have children, but never did.
We planned a trip around the world, but we never left the village more than a few days.
We planned to build a gazebo and a bridge across the creek, but when you look out back, you see nothing but grass, trees, and water.
For years, we made plans like these.
I sit here, by her bedside, waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
They will arrive too late.
“What shall I do?” I asked last night.
“Enough of plans,” she said. “Just do whatever.”

Weekly Challenge #171 – Unprepared


Welcome to the Weekly Challenge Number One Hundred And Seventy-One, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was… was…. um…
It’s Unprepared.
The excellent theme music is by Guy David

Which were the best this week?
Dedric from
TJ from
Guy David from
Anima from
Lynda from
Norval Joe from
Elly from
Justin from
Jeffrey from
Planet X from
Danny from
Planet Z
Free polls from

Go ahead and listen to them and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):


“What do you mean you don’t have a fire extinguisher?” I asked Gary in a low, growl of a voice.
“Um, I, uh.”, he replied. Then he just looked around nervously. The fire leapt even farther away from the candle in the sink and started quickly eating the walls around us.
“And you can’t just psychically put out the fire too?”
“Not really.”
“Fine!” I muttered, thinking of how much the dorm would charge us for this. “But if we get out of here, I’m showing you my magical powers.” And then I showed him my claws.


As the night turned into morning, a man was still working tirelessly
completing his latest project. A crowd of spectators had gathered
talking amongst themselves questioning what it was that the man was
“Eureka! I have finally finished.”
His tools fell to the ground, and the man started to walk away. Some
reporters quickly went after him to ask about his feat. Some of the
onlookers started to walk up to a large contraption of wires, pipes,
screws, and duct tape.
The reporters were unprepared for the man’s response.
“It is a machine to program the time on VCR’s.”


Her mother’s lemon pepper chicken and rice always received rave reviews and Sally was determined to impress her husband’s supervisor and his wife.
“This meal could make or break his promotion,” Sally fretted. “Now what’s the recipe?”
The secret was chicken stock simmered into the rice for an hour at three-hundred fifty degrees.
She’d already set the chicken breasts to marinate with peppercorns and lemon slices in the refrigerator.
She got the rest of her house ready, set the table, one last primp in the mirror … she froze, horrified.
The chicken was still in the refrigerator.
“Honey, I’m home!”

Guy David

I unbuttoned her shirt and kissed her neck slowly and softly, delighting in her sweet moans. She responded by nibbling softly at my ear. I took off my own shirt and rubbed my bare chest against her erect nipples. She reached out and unbuttoned my pants, sending her hand inside, grabbing my penis who reacted by stiffening and rising, meeting her hand half way. I shivered, waves of pleasure crawling up and down my spine, and grabbed her firm buttocks. She breathed harder as I started pulling her pants off. I was unprepared for the firm member I found there.


Unprepared? Me?
I am the epitome of preparedness. I have ready bags in the closet: red is for beach, blue for mountains and the duffel has arctic gear; my pantry is stocked with food for a year, and there is a sheet cake in the freezer in case company drops in. I’ve started my doctorate thesis, even though I have not been accepted to grad school yet. My car is current on all factory suggested maintenance, but I have a bicycle as backup. I even have a second bike as backup to my backup.
My pants? Of course I put…


I came here totally unprepared. I had never been a human before. I had no idea what I was meant to do. Looking around me, I noticed I wasn’t alone. It didn’t make me feel any better.
Those around me taught me how to dress and how to think. I learned their language, ate their food and drank their drink. I felt safe.
Then one day the sun illuminated another path, and I wondered if I could be someone else in this lifetime.
I’m totally unprepared for what comes next. So is everyone else. I feel okay about it. Alive.

Norval Joe

I had a crappy week. It started on Saturday when Lawrence left my audio out of the podcast. But that’s ok. He said I didn’t have to pay the entry fee this week. This gives me enough money to take my wife to a movie tonight. Then Jeff left me out of the poll at Great Hites. I told Mick Bordet that I would write my 100 word story about two Scotsmen, imitatingIrishmen, telling limericks, but I was too unprepared to get that done. Well, I guess I better get into my story. No. Wait. Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred.


She was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on with her soft skin, and golden curls. He often wondered how he ever got so lucky as to have such a beauty in his life. Her baby blue eyes twinkled as they followed him across the darkened room. He haste-fully continued searching through his pant pockets. No, not there either. He smiled sheepishly at her and continued his search, finally finding one in the dresser drawer. Slowly sliding her undergarments down, he braced himself by placing the clothes pin on his nose, only to have forgotten the wipes.


Apparently when you die, there is a waiting area.
“Oh no you didn’t!”
You wait there for judgment until after the apocalypse.
“I taught you so much better!”
I died in a car accident.
“I told you to drive carefully!”
I wasn’t prepared for the long wait.
“You weren’t much prepared for a whole lot of things apparently!”
So I’m waiting here for who knows how long, listening to my late mother constantly berate me.
“Don’t talk that way to me boy! You’ve shamed our family. I can’t believe you died in a dirty pair of underpants! Lord have mercy!”


I was prepared for the werewolf. I mean it was not like he was stealthy or anything. I had heard him howling every night for the last three weeks. So I went out and bought the silver bullets that I would need to stop him. What I was not prepared for was the toupee.
“You wear a toupee?” I asked as he bent down to pick it up.
“Well a wolf has to keep up appearances, and it was a mid life crisis thing you know.”
So now I prowl the streets and drink the blood of innocent bald men.

Planet X

Jimmy leafed through one set of photographs and compared them to another set for the hundredth time. Always with the same results, it had cost him his job, but was unmistakable proof of his quest of the last two years. He had thought at first that Lois was playing a joke when she told him during the big celebration party after Lex’s ultimate defeat.
Jimmy had spent weeks on end gathering all photographs, newspaper articles, and interview recordings until he had undeniable proof. But, even with all this Jimmy still was unprepared to acknowledge that Clark Kent was indeed, Superman.


Charlitok stood in line with the other veteran soldiers.
The commander is awarding accommodations.
Charlitok is proudly advancing to join an elite group who dawn the freshly killed head of a mighty grizzly bear.
Charlitok digs his heals into the soft earth, holds his head high, and tenses his muscles in attention.
As his commander lowers the head of the bear he feels a massive weight of responsibility, to protect his brethren soldiers and the tribe.
“Good job Charlie, next scout rank is Webelos right?” his Mom said.
The applause and screams from the tribe echo in Charlitok’s ears.

Planet Z

Yes, the motto of the Boy Scouts is “Be Prepared.”
My motto is “Get In, Get Out, Get Receipts.”
Planning just bogs you down in hand-wringing and debate while carrying tools for every occasion just gets in the way.
No plan survives battle anyway, right? Why bother planning?
Instead, you need to be free to maneuver, quick to think, and scrounge what you need on the spot.
So when the lady came up to the window asking for three Big Macs and fries, I sprang into action.

The Infernal Tune


It was said that Beethoven composed a melody so powerful, it could summon The Devil.
He never wrote it down, and never played it with anyone nearby.
Except his nephew Karl.
Perhaps this is why he fought to keep custody of Karl, to prevent him from revealing this secret?
Or maybe Karl attempted suicide after seeing his uncle plead with The Prince Of Darkness for his hearing back?
His doctor prescribed treatments containing lead to block out the infernal influences, sending the composer into painful and confusing fits.
Karl whispers, “The piano is out of tune. Does Satan listen now?”

Cough And Dagger


The Dark Days are here.
I see their faces in the shadows, handing cough drops to each other.
There’s something in them. I just know there is.
No, I don’t know what it is. They won’t let me in the lab anymore.
I hear whispers: “Keep them medicated, keep them under control.”
I am offered the coughdrops at every corner, and I palm them to fool the others.
But now, their eyes are starting to glow green.
I can’t fake that, so I’m fleeing the city.
And then… I cough a single cough.
They hear it, growling, and I run.

The Monkey Dance


For ten years, Dinko Dogan and his monkey entertained the streets of Rousse.
At night, they swam in the Danube, Dinko singing and the monkey hunting fish.
“The fish are bad,” said the rivermaster. “The poison from the factories is in them.”
Dinko laughed. The monkey laughed with him. “Come for a swim, my friend!” he sang.
When the coughing and bleeding sores were too painful to ignore, Dinko ended his nightly swims.
The price of bananas was so high, but the fruitwagoneer said the monkey brought customers and gave them for free.
Dinko sang, and the monkey danced on.

Tell Me A Story


“Tell me a story,” says the ghost in my bed.
I’m used to it.
So, I pull a book from the shelf, open the pages, and begin to read.
“I’ve heard this before,” says the ghost.
The ghost has heard them all.
I close the book and make up a story about dragons, castles, maidens, and knights.
But this time, the maidens ate dragons and the castles floated in the air.
“What about the knights?” asked the ghost.
“They lived happily ever after,” I said.
The ghost smiled, faded into nothing, and I was finally able to go to sleep.

The Waxlings


Come here, Waxlings.
The sun is too bright. Our world is melting.
The great mountains of the west are hills now, flowing in all directions.
The oceans are too hot to live near. Our great bridges have fallen and turned to goo.
As has nearly everything else.
Our only solace is that we are of stronger waxes. We sweat and drip, but maintain our lives by eating and finding what little shelter that remains.
One day, the heat will be too great even for us, and we will melt into the core.
Forgive me, my children, but you are delicious.

The Prince Of Scars


We called the old man The Prince Of Scars.
He was brought to the hospital last winter, frozen solid.
We stripped him and put him in a tub of warm water, reviving him slowly.
His body was completely covered with painful creases, knots, deformations, and agonizing twists.
“What happened to you?” I asked him.
“Life didn’t pass me by,” he moaned. “It took one look at me and tore me apart.”
He didn’t say anything else.
We couldn’t get a name off of him and his fingerprints were long destroyed.
He left that morning.
Think he’ll be back next winter?