

“Anything can be pickled,” said Joe.
We were sitting on his front porch, watching the dust blow over the road when he said this.
“What?” I asked.
“Anything can be pickled,” said Joe.
A squirrel ran across the road.
“Could you pickle that?” I asked.
“Not yet,” he said. “Hold on.”
Joe pulled out his gun, shot the squirrel, and walked out to get it.
“Did you have to shoot the thing?” I asked.
“Well, you can’t pickle these things alive,” said Joe. “They tend to claw up the inside of the glass and crap themselves.”
I guess he’s right.



We, the people of Busker County, blew Morgantown off of the map.
Well, sorta.
It started with a friendly football rivalry, but within a week we had armed militias running around, burning crops and the post office.
Someone suggested that we hold a football game to settle our differences, but it turned out to be an ambush.
Rumor was that Morgantown was working on a nuclear weapon.
Turned out to be true, but there was a slight glitch and they blew themselves off of the map.
Call it an error if you want to, I’ll call it peace and quiet.

Message in a Bottle


I watched as the waves carried the bottle to the beach.
I picked it up, popped the cork, and pulled out some scraps of paper.
They were coupons for herbal medications to make my breasts bigger and my penis longer and thicker.
Then there was a letter from the widow of some oil executive who didn’t know me, but they blessed me and said they’d be dead soon.
Oh, and apparently I’d won a big lottery or something.
Looking out on the water, I saw the glitter of a million more bottles.
“Goddamned Spam,” I mumbled, crumpling up the notes.

The Wild One


They called Zacharias the Wild One.
They also called him Peanut Butter and Jelly, because he really liked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but all eyes went wide when they saw… the flaming peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
“That’s so totally cool,” said one kid, staring at the burning sandwich in Zacharias’s hands.
“AAAAUUUUUGGGHHHHH!” screamed Zacharias, and he dropped the sandwich, running to the lake to cool his scorched hand.
And that’s when we called him the Wild One.
We also called him an ambulance.
Never saw him again.
I wonder if he still eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Weekly Challenge #53 – Smoke


Welcome to the Fifty-third Weekly Challenge, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was selected by Planet Z, a strange orb hovering 640 meters above SoHo Island’s Matzohenge, and it’s Smoke (or) Smoking.
Eleven stories were submitted this week. Double digits!
There was a rookie, but they didn’t record their story! Oh noes!
The excellent theme music is by Guy David
And, once again, some disturbing madness from the one we all knew and loved as Planet Z.
Go ahead and listen to them by clicking on the grammophone thingy there in the left column and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):

Who had the best story for Weekly Challenge #53?
Laieanna from Hodgepodge Point
Tom from Footnote Podcast
Caleb Bullen from Black Tie Martini Club
Elisson of Blog d’Elisson
Chris from Platypus Society
Terrence from Never Was
Ted from Ted’s Podcast
Patti from SmittyGal
To4m from StuffCast
Sister Mary Edith
Planet Z
Free polls from Pollhost.com

I will be sending the winner a prize… it’s a packet containing at least 1 refrigerator magnet and a CD with the archive of the entire 100 word stories podcast. (Well, minus promos and junk)
It is your voting that determines who wins. So listen, vote, and tune in next week to find out who won!

The full text of each story:

I’m not the only one who sees him. Like all those goth style stories,
Death walks among us dressed in black. Yeah, he wears the trench
coat, but smoke rolls off it like steam from a train’s chimney. His
eyes are solid black, least the one time I dared to look at them. No
skull face, but pale skin. Anyone near can’t help but to shudder.
See those of us walking on the edge of life keep our distance. I
ain’t playing with that. As long as that guy sends smoke signals, I
know how to run the opposite way.


The day I set my stomach on fire
and blowup my head
Tommy’s parents didn’t smoke. He had tried a puff off a Winston and found the experience lacking. “I don’t get it.” he mused “Maybe I need something bigger.” Tommy laid down six dollars in pennies and pointed at the Dutch Masters Presidents. The clerk eyed him. “For Dad,” said Tommy. “Right,” said the clerk pushing the cigars over the counter.
Tommy informed his father he was old enough to smoke. Surprisingly his Dad agreed. He lit up the first cigar. Then a long hard draw and a deep inhale. After two hours wrapped around the toilet his father asked “Quit smoking?”


April 20th: I commented to John that the air didn’t feel right. John
agreed so broke camp and he packed a bowl. Just as we dusted our
third bowl, a dragon crashed through the tree line, heading strait for
us. We would have been sitting ducks there. [Correction: we were
stoned ducks… err… stoned advanced infantry!] I grabbed my gun and
leveled the sight. Before I had a chance to pull the trigger, a mech
fired one of it’s missiles and blew the head clean off the dragon. Ok
this story sucks. What do you expect? I am currently stoned.


I like smoking and I’m not joking
I think that it makes me look tough
I feel kinda hip with a butt on my lip
Although sometimes it might make me cough
It makes my voice deep and puts me to sleep
Though mornings might be kind of rough
I can’t smoke at work or the bar like a jerk
Sometimes I think I’ve had enough
Though it’s nearly a crime, it passes the time
As I wait for the bus by the blough
It’s bad for the lungs but it’s awfully fun
Yes smoking’s a thing that I lough


Superman finished setting the table in his Penthouse of Semi-Solitude, his pied-� -terre in Metropolis. Furnished with the exotic furniture of Krypton’s Techno-Deco period, it was perfect for those times when the Caped Crusader wanted privacy.
He lit the candles; a blast of Super-Breath chilled the Champagne. Lana Lang was coming by for a home-cooked dinner (yay, Heat Vision!). Afterward? The disaster with Lois was still fresh on his mind…
Three hours later, a semi-drunk and exhausted Lana Lang lay against Superman’s naked chest. Smoke curled upwards from under the sheets.
“Ow! Next time, Supes, would ya knock off the Super-Speed?”


Like in most prisons, cigarettes weren’t just for smoking in Shawshank; they were currency. A carton of Luckys could get a man all sorts of things behind bars: girly magazines, a change of socks, even a poster of Rita Hayworth. Of course, that?s assuming you knew the right person to get them.
But as my good friend Andy Dufresne found out, a carton of smokes was useless when cornered by a pack of horny bull queers behind the dryer in the laundry room. They never opened that carton; seems they had a different type of smoking in mind.
Poor Andy.


Raoul slowly opened his eyes. He was exhausted and his staff of light
ached. He had stopped counting at four. Turning over Raoul looked at
Eve. She slept, which Raoul was thankful for. She could not get
enough him, and he could not go another round.
Her eyes opened and looked back a Raoul. A smile crossed her face as
she sat up and kissed him on the cheek. ‘Oh no,’ he thought. She
gave a shy smile. ‘As if,’ he though and then cringed in expectation
of what she was about to say.
He was relief to hear, “Smoke?”


You know, I used to smoke. I know, it’s a terrible habit. Oh, I’m not talking about namebrand tobacco. I’m talking about the Weed. Mary Jane, Reefer, Ganja..
One afternoon, as my party was winding down, it became apparent that there was nothing left to smoke. It got ugly real fast.
My guests started ripping down the wallpaper, tearing up the floorboards, They even raided my stock of toilet paper, just to have something to smoke.
The next morning, with a clear head, I realized what had happened. Insurance covered most of the damage, but you know, I still can’t find my cat..


Finishing her fourth vodka tonic, Nelly dabbed her mouth, leaving a sloppy lipstick kiss on the cocktail napkin.
“‘Night, Eddie.”
Eddie shot her a smile but Nelly didn’t see it. Nearing the door, her hand was already fumbling in her purse for cigarettes and lighter.
Outside she lit the smoke and took a deep drag. Remembering the old days when you could smoke in a bar, she exhaled, blue smoke shooting from both nostrils. Back then she would have had a couple more drinks and gone home with Eddie for sloppy drunk sex.
She chose to sleep alone, and smoke.


I was ten sitting around the table at Grandma’s after we’d finished
Sunday dinner. Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, older brother and I. Six
people. Five cigarettes. None of them mine. It was horrible I was
starting to feel sick but Grandpa’s stories of WW II were too
fascinating to leave. I had to though so I took my seven up and went
to the family room to watch TV. “Man I’ll never smoke – That’s gross”
. 30 years later I’m wrestling the Marlboro parasite thats dug itself
into me. This shit is evil it stinks I hate it.


Lucky Strike and The Catholic Church announced a new promotional campaign in a joint press-conference today. In successful trials, tobacco has replaced incense in church thuribles.
“I’ve started coming to church a lot!” one parishioner reported, “Especially after meals. God even helped me quit smoking!”
“What is lung cancer compared to the damnation of your eternal soul?” the spokes-priest asked, in the deep, rich voice tobacco smoke cultivates.
The campaign has been incorporated into the liturgy, as well. “This sermon brought to you by Lucky Strike; Celebrate the bounty of God’s goodness with the smooth, full-flavored taste of American tobacco.”


Let me tell you about economics, kid.
You see, unlike the stores in the city, there aren’t any Federal taxes out on the reservation.
So, once a month, we drive to the Pokalottas for cheap smokes and booze.
Whatever we save, we blow twenty times that at the casino.
Then, while we’re worrying about out how we’ll pay for that bike you keep bitching about or cover the mortgage, we smoke up all those cigarettes and drink all the cheap liquor we bought.
And that’s why Economics is a bitch.
So, lay off Santa, and put that fucking sweater on.

Thanks to everyone for sending in their stories, and I look forward to what you’ve got to write (and say) next week.
The theme for next week’s Weekly Challenge will be posted shortly.

He Loves You


God looked over His Wondrous, Unlit Creation and decided it was good.
Well, except for one thing: The Plans.
“Something not right, Boss?” asked an angel.
“Let me get this straight,” said God. “I’m supposed to act like an asshole, drive people nuts for centuries, and then send down my kid to let them know I love them?
“Right,” said the angel.
“And then they kill him,” continued God. “But then he comes back from the dead?”
“Exactly,” said the angel.
“I must have been really drunk when I wrote that shit up,” said God, and He flipped the switch.

The New Weird


In five minutes, we will be releasing The New Weird.
When you receive it, please review the instruction booklet, run all necessary backups, and then install The New Weird.
Should you have any problems installing The New Weird or in the chance that it fails to function normally, then don’t panic – everything is fine.
It is, after all, The New Weird.
In light of the release of The New Weird, support for The Old Weird will end in one month, at which point your Old Weird will automatically become Normal.
Thank you, and please have a Weird Day.



My grandfather was very sick, but he had just undergone some kind of procedure or another, and he said he felt up to calling family.
His last words to me were “Heaven will be catered.”
The next day, I was at school, and I got called into the office.
I don’t remember much after that.
Was I fifteen? Sixteen?
Today, I look in the mirror.
Too fat.
I don’t breathe the same drycleaning chemicals he did that rotted out his organs, but still…
I’ve been cutting down, eating less. And exercise.
Hold my seat, Papa Willie. It’ll be a while.

The Odd Duck


Down Highway 27, they got one of them side-of-the-road animal carnivals that’s been there forever and a day.
Forget about that boxing kangaroo or the bear that wrestles folks for ten bucks. They ain’t nothin’.
I wanna tell you about the Odd Duck: he’s a duck that quacks every other quack.
Okay, so he was a lot more interesting when the Even Duck was around, because Odd would quack once, Even would quack the second quack, and so on.
But the Even Duck got himself run over.
Now, the Odd Duck just quacks once and waits, lookin’ around for somethin’.

Pray For A Bicycle


When Tommy was little, he wanted a bicycle.
His parents couldn’t afford one, though.
So he prayed for it.
He’d dream of that bicycle every night, but it was never there when he woke up.
The kid across the street had one. A nice, shiny red bicycle. With a thumb-bell, too!
Tommy was jealous, and he wished that kid would die so he could get it in a garage sale.
Sure enough, the kid was out riding the bike and a dump truck hit him, killing him dead.
Sadly, the bike was crushed.
He bought the thumb-bell for 25 cents.